I have, on repeated occasions, posted about the dire economic circumstances across Western NY (e.g.,
here); I've also posted repeatedly on the beneficial consequences of unions (e.g.,
here). This current post arise at the intersection of those two concerns. In nearby Williamson, New York there is a Mott's processing plant. You know, apple sauce and so on. Mott's is owned by Dr. Pepper Snapple, a Texas based, financially healthy company. The Mott's plant is unionized - Local 220 of the United Food and Commercial Workers - and the workers are out on strike in the face of rapacious demands on the part of the company. Despite its profitability and the steadily increasing compensation of management, the company is asking the workers for concessions in terms of both pay and benefits. I live in apple growing country. I support the workers who harvest the fruit and those who process it. You should too. A good place to start is at
nobadapples.org. In an area that was economically depressed prior to the even harder times of the past two years the Mott's workers need your solidarity.