Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Challenging Poverty in Changing Times"

This conference organised by the TUC unemployed workers centres looks like it will be well worth a visit if possible. I would have thought that "Challenging Poverty in Bloody Awful Times" would have been a more accurate but less diplomatic title.

The speaker list is "interesting".  The Comprehensive Spending Review will be published (I think on the 20th October) a few days latter.

Will Simon Hughes turn out to be a progressive or a conservative - a Lib Dem or a CONDEM MP?

How will he respond to the likely outcomes of the morning workshops?

How will the TUC, its affiliated trade unions, Unemployed worker centres and NGO's work together?  I don't think as a rule trade unions and NGO's really understand each other that well.

Is this about organising campaigning and opposition to "cuts" or is it about trying to influence and change policy?

I think we need to do both.