I got this email today encouraging branches of the new UNISON Service Group "Community" to register as visitors to our first ever conference.
"On Tuesday 2nd November, in Telford, UNISON will hold our first conference focused on members in the Community service group – members workers for charities, housing associations, social enterprises, and other community and voluntary organisations.
The deadline for registering delegates has now passed, but there is still plenty of time to register to attend as a visitor.
The conference has a wide-ranging agenda, looking at issues including personalisation of social care, safeguarding, volunteering, two-tier workforces, housing policy, TUPE, equalities, pensions, pay and reward, trade union organising, and facility time. There will also be a lunchtime fringe meeting, open to visitors, on personalisation.
To view the Conference Bulletin, including all the forms you need and lots more information, please click here: http://www.unison.org.uk/conference/community.asp
So please come along and take part!"