Redbridge Councillor, Barbara White and UNISON Labour Link national committee vice-chair, Rachel Voller are organising this fund raising Quiz for Ed on Saturday.
"Dear Comrades,
As some of you may know I am supporting Ed Miliband for the leadership election.
I am trying to help the campaign and because of this Rachel Voller and myself are arranging a quiz night at the RAFA on Saturday 28th August, commencing at 7.30pm. Entry to the quiz will be £10 and this will include a finger buffet. All of the monies will be sent to Ed Miliband’s campaign office the following day. If you have a raffle prize that we could have that would be most welcome.
It would be helpful if you could let me know if you are attending in order for us to buy sufficient food. Even if Ed Miliband isn’t your 1st or 2nd preference you are still welcome to come.
The RAFA Club is situated at 295 Cranbrook Road and it would be appreciated if you could contact me at if you intend supporting this event. The club is an old house opposite Valentines Park and the nearest side road is Beaufort Gardens. I’m very sorry to say that there isn’t any disabled access. There are three steps to the doorway but after that it is all on one level.
Please feel free to circulate this to other comrades.
Kind regards,
Barbara White".