Tuesday, August 17, 2010

TUC 60 Second Ad contest: Vote for shortlist

Check this site out to take part in the 2010 TUC 60 Second Ad contest.  Watch and vote to shortlist.  Short listing will finish this Friday 20 August!

Beware "Folks, a quick warning to you all. There is no point in voting multiple times, because the votes will just get deleted (eventually). If this problem persists I may have to consider banning people from the competition. It is clear from the voting system that various people have been figuring out ways to vote themselves up. I’ve already deleted over 350 5 star votes and I’ll work my way through deleting the rest".

You can also register to make comments.  There are a number excellent video's to choose from (including many connected to UNISON) but I thought that my overall favourite was this "its never too soon" by Rayburner.
