London Assembly member John Biggs is standing to be the Labour Party candidate to run for Tower Hamlets Mayor.
There has been the usual exciting and colourful Tower Hamlets selection process.
Labour Party members (only) will vote on Saturday on who they want to be their candidate in the Mayoral election on 21 October 2010.
I have worked in Tower Hamlets for the past 20 years or so - but I am not of course a local member so I shouldn't really interfere in the selection process.
But - this being Tower Hamlets (my 2nd favourite London borough ever) I can't help mentioning that in a strictly personal capacity - I thought John was an excellent Labour Council leader and London Assembly member. He is also a stanch trade unionist and a very decent person with good politics who you can rely on. We don't agree all the time but there again - who does!
There are other good candidates standing but if I had the choice (and I don't) then I would definitely be voting for Mr Biggs to be Tower Hamlets Mayor.