Monday, April 25, 2011

A Real Plan for Deficit Reduction

The Congressional Progressive Caucus has a budget proposal out that is worth considering. It should embarrass the Obama administration and any supporter of the administration still harbouring the illusion that the president is all about hope and change. Krugman gives it a thumbs up, the folks at The Economist give it a thumbs up too, ditto The Guardian . . . and, of course, I have to say that my own Congressional Representative is a CPC member . . . Louise Slaughter does Western NY proud!

Who Is To Blame For The "Increase In Federal Spending?"

Facts are indeed such stubborn things.  Paul Krugman seeks to quickly ask the question of why federal spending has apparently increased so much in recent years in a blog-post today that I found most interesting.  Basically what massive new federal program signed onto by the Obama Administration is spending all this money?  Uh, Professor Krugman:
A large part of it is a slowdown in GDP rather than an accelerated rise in government spending.

Nominal GDP rose at an annual rate of 5.1 percent from 2000 to 2007; it only rose at a 1.7 percent rate from 2007 to 2010. How much would the ratio of spending to GDP have gone up if spending had stayed the same, but there had not been a slowdown? Here’s the answer:

So about half of the rise in the ratio is due to a fall in the denominator rather than a rise in the numerator.

That still leaves a significant rise in spending. What’s that about? Here’s one way to look at the federal budget; I compare growth rates in spending from 2000 to 2007 and from 2007 to 2010:

“Income security” is unemployment insurance, food stamps, SSI, refundable tax credits — in short, the social safety net. Medicaid is a means-tested program that also serves as part of the safety net. Yes, spending in these areas has surged — because the economy is depressed, and lots of people are unemployed.

What we’re seeing isn’t some drastic expansion of Big Government; we’re seeing the government we already had, responding to a terrible economic slump.

What To Read Regarding China's Economy

For those of you who don't read Foreign Affairs they often do suggested reading lists on certain topics and this months topic is the Chinese economy which I found good and especially relevant:
The Chinese Economy: Transitions and Growth. By Barry Naughton. MIT Press, 2007.

Economic Development and Transition: Thought, Strategy, and Viability. By Justin Yifu Lin. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

"The Great Leap Backward?" By Elizabeth C. Economy. Foreign Affairs (September/October 2007): pp 38-59.

China's Great Economic Transformation. Edited by Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Studies in the Economic History of Late Imperial China: Handicraft, Modern Industry, and the State. By Albert Feuerwerker. University of Michigan Press, 1996. 

Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State. By Yasheng Huang. Cambridge University Press, 2008. 

"Formal and Informal Lobbying Practices in China: The Capital's Ambivalent Embrace of Capitalists." By Scott Kennedy. China Information (July 2009). 
Chinese Negotiating Style: Commercial Approaches and Cultural Principles. By Lucian W. Pye. Quorum Books, 1992.     

This follows an article about how to tax Chinese owned American assets until they readjust their currency which I also recommend reading.  Here is the jist:
How would the mechanics of this tax actually work? As the administrative and legal processes leading to a tax are unfolding, the Chinese authorities would have time to preemptively change their currency practices -- a win-win outcome. The first step to instituting the tax would be for the United States to give notice, consistent with the treaty itself and prior to July 2011, that the U.S.-China tax treaty will be canceled as of January 2012. The second step would be for the U.S. Congress to amend several sections of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code that ensure tax-free treatment of income derived from financial assets held by the Chinese government and other official Chinese entities. This amendment would allow the United States to impose a withholding tax at rates determined by the Treasury Department, so long as China's currency manipulation continued.

Drawing John Berger

There is a nice story in The Guardian here about John Berger, occasioned by the imminent publication in Britain of a new book of his entitled Bento's Sketchbook. Of course, the book won't appear here in the states until late fall.

Sources: Ron Paul To Form Exploratory Committee Tomorrow
According to Politico, Ron Paul will announce tomorrow in Iowa that he forming an exploratory committee for the 2012 campaign.  This is a necessary preliminary step to begin raising legal money and will most assuredly lead to his eventual "official" announcement that he will once again seek the presidency in 2012.  Paul announced today via his website that he "[will] be in Des Moines, Iowa tomorrow to make an important announcement":
Paul, who represents Texas' 14th District in the House of Representatives, adds his name to the field of potential Republican candidates, which includes names like Mitt Romney, and Tim Pawlenty, a former governor of Minnesota.

Meantime, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, a Republican, took himself out of the race late Monday. 
I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see Rep. Paul run once again.  He is polling much better this time, but I am most excited about him pressuring more "gun shy" candidates to answer real questions.  Love him or hate him, he is sure to make the race more interesting.  It will also be fun to watch Fox News degrade him once again, all the while trying to tell people they aren't an arm of the same GOP that tried to defeat Rep. Paul in 2010.

One Florida Station Has The Highest Gas In The Country
Who has the highest gas prices in the country?  New York?  California?  Negative.  A single gas station near the airport in Orlando, Florida does: service station has taken on the mantle of being the first place to have the highest prices in the country.

Suncoast Energys, located near the Orlando International Airport, has been charging $5.69 a gallon for regular gasoline.

The US price tracker,, named the Florida filling outlet on Friday night to show the contrast between other stations on Orlando which had only been charging around $3.78 a gallon.

Charlie Cook: Trump Candidacy A "Train Wreck"

One of the most respected political handicappers in D.C., Charlie Cook, looked at the emerging GOP field and offered some analysis in which he said of Donald Trump:  "sit back and watch the train wreck."

DCCC: "Don't Betray Medicare"


Obama 2012 Strategy Briefing

Barack Obama's 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina delivered an early campaign briefing this week:


Mitch Daniels Among Credible GOP Candidates
When asked, I have been stating privately for sometime that I think Mitch Daniels (R-IN) is among the few electable Republicans that might run for President.  Certain Beltway Republicans/conservatives are apparently feeling the same way.  George Will in particular has been very vocal about his support of a Daniels candidacy.  The WP has a piece today that explores the likelihood of a Daniels candidacy, but in that article there was a tidbit about the WH that I find very telling in that they essentially agree with me:
Democrats, too, are taking him seriously. Obama advisers see him as a credible general-election candidate, if he can survive a nomination battle. Democrats, with some encouragement from Washington, have begun to step up their criticism of him and to question whether his record will hold up to serious scrutiny.
Make no mistake about it, a potential Daniels' candidacy is a real threat to the reelection of President Obama.  Also, the likes of Donald Trump, is not.

Tea Party: Join the "Teahad" And Stand Up To The "Nigras"



H/T - Wonkette

EAT THE RICH! -- Lying Sack of Crap

I am reposting this link from someone else's Facebook post, even though I don't want to give more publicity to these types of non sequitur types of arguments. Basically, if you don't want to be bothered watching the video, the lying sack of crap makes an argument where he takes the idea of greater taxation on the rich, corporations, etc. to an absurd extreme where we are taking "all" of the corporate profits, rich salaries, etc. for a single year -- "eating the rich".

Beyond being stupid because nobody that I know of is actually suggesting that, I fail to see the logical conclusion of his video. So, since taking 100% of all corporate profits, rich people's salaries for an entire year, etc. would supposedly tank the economy (something that could be argued, but I will let it stand for the moment), does that mean, in your estimation that it is unfair to make the rich pay MORE (but less than 100%) to support the country than the poor?

However, my main question is this, because I have frankly never understood it: how is it that corporations are able to convince the majority (the poor and middle class) to implement economic policies favorable to the minority (the rich) against the explicit economic self-interest of the majority?

For example, the spending cuts to Pell Grants, which cuts funding for nearly 9 million students too poor to pay for college on their own, passed in the last budget by both the Republicans and Obama could have been easily saved by simply letting the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy lapse. However, whenever the idea of raising the taxes on the rich gets proposed, a bunch of jackasses like this guy and the Tea Baggers get on the internet, television, Fox News, etc. and start spreading the type of blatant misinformation and non sequitur logic present in this video. Think about it: Pell Grants are directly beneficial to poor people trying to go to college, many of whom STILL ROUTINELY vote for politicians who vote to cut funding to the program. How on earth does this happen?

If someone could explain the type of thinking that goes on here, I would very much appreciate it, because the mindset has always baffled me.
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I managed to lock myself outside of my house early this morning while investigating some birds sitting in the pine tree out in front of our house. I was wearing my pajama shorts and a t-shirt with my hair all wild looking from just waking up. And, I was barefoot!! I ended up walking a mile and a half on a rough, dirt path to reach my wife's place of work to get the spare key and a ride home!!

As I was walking across the prickly path and sharp stones, I contemplated what it must be like for those who don't have shoes or socks to wear on a daily basis. I reflected upon my time living in Africa and remembered that many Africans walk barefoot everyday while carrying heavy loads of goods; usually in blazing heat.
Yet, despite all that hardship, they never complained in my presence or indulged themselves in self-pity; and often they were in good spirits.

I was so impressed by those Africans that I donated my shoes to friends there upon my departure--as well as my clothes. I literally flew home with just the clothes on my body. Anyway, as I recalled my beloved Africans this morning, I was humbled yet inspired by their examples and it helped me push through the pain. Surely, I thought, I can walk a short distance barefoot if countless people around the world have no choice but to walk everywhere without shoes.

Shoes are a luxury I too often take for granted, and once I got into the building where my wife works, I was so happy to walk on soft carpet. It was the most luxurious feeling in the world!! Yet another thing I won't take for granted today. All that walking and thinking led me toward doing something pro-active about the shortage of shoes in this world. So, I researched ways to donate shoes and found a great organization that is non-denominational and non-profit, it's called "Donate Your Old Shoes." Please, consider holding a shoe donation box at your sangha, business or other place of worship. I am hoping to set up one of their boxes at my wife's office.

~Peace to all beings~

FAIL! New campaign video - Vote YES for fairer votes on May 5

This morning I've sent off my postal ballot and voted "Yes".   This new campaign video by Yes2AV makes the case in a short and effective way on why AV just makes sense. 

I have responded to comments made on my previous post that if we had AV last year we could have had a Labour Lib Dem Government with this updated quotation “the worst day of a Labour led  Government is better than the best day of a Tory one”.

Remember there is a progressive majority in this country.  Why else are the Tories opposed?

ps don't forget the Alternative Vote Debate at UEL Stratford, E15

"The Labour Party AV Debate is taking place on Thursday 28th April between John Denham MP for YES and Margaret Beckett MP for NO. It is being held at the University of East London Stratford Campus, Room CC101, Computer and Conference Building, The Green (off Water Lane), London E15 4LZ. Doors are open at 7pm for a 7.30 start. The venue is about 15 minutes from Stratford tube station, 5 minutes from Maryland station and can be accessed by a number of buses along Romford Road. The event is being organised by West Ham CLP and Lyn Brown MP.  It is sponsored by UNISON Labour Link. All Labour Party members and affiliates are welcome".

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Quick Discussion Of Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, & Objectivism

Thom Hartmann & Amanda Carey discuss the new movie Atlas Shrugged based on the book of the same title by Ayn Rand:


Bright Moments

Yesterday, my oldest son Doug played in the last home game of his lacrosse career at Nazareth. NAZ lost badly, but the sun shown. And today he called to tell me that his adviser told him he did an "outstanding" job on the Senior Research Project for his Biology Major. It doesn't get better than that.

Packs Of Wild Dogs Are Taking Over Tennessee


H/T - Wonkette

My Prediction for Celebrity Apprentice Outcome

Sorry folks, there won't be any recap tonight. Personal obligations prevent me from watching tonight's episode. Not that so many people read my weekly rehash. Still, I hate the thought of anyone dropping by for water cooler tidbits and leaving empty handed.

So, I'm setting my sights on the next best thing. Prognostication. Otherwise known as the art of predicting the future and seeing what sticks. Sort of like predicting the Oscars. I might as well take a stab at it.

In last week's episode, after Gary got the ax, the men were down to three team members: John, Lil Jon, and Meat. With almost twice that amount on the women's team, I'm surprised The Donald didn't send a few women over to the men. Okay, I watched the previews. Here's the promo from NBC:

The task was to create an ad campaign for the Trump Hotel collection. Star and John took the lead as PMs. The men decided to go with a "lap of luxury, New York's finest" campaign. The women settled on a "ladies who lunch and lounge" idea. Star called it a celebration of lifestyle: "Individual elegance. Collective luxury."

Knowing what I do about The Donald, I think he'll prefer the women's concept over the men's. That's assuming the women are able to execute Star's vision. That remains to be seen.

Judging from the promos, Nene seems to be getting into everyone's face, including Star's. In case you weren't aware, Nene and Star became bitter rivals after the show. Nene complained that Star was manipulative and controlling. Star also had some choice words about Nene. Bottom line: With tension already brewing between her and LaToya, Nene could tank the team.

In contrast, the men seem focused and determined. Heck, they're down to only three members. They'd better make each one count. I'll bet each man pulls twice his weight in execution. Without Gary, they're a well-oiled machine.

Hard to believe, but I predict victory for the men. And Nene will go down in the boardroom. Just wish I was able to see it as it unfolds.

Tossa de Mar

Off message-ish homily rather than homage to a relaxing short break in Tossa De Mar, Costa Brava, Catalan. The resort is famous for its medieval walls around the old town and sandy beaches. It is also far more popular with locals than Brits and other northern Europeans.  I last visited the town about 15 years ago and I was pleased to see it had hardly changed and it was as pretty and pleasant as I remembered.  

Some fantastic free walking maps from the local tourist information office. Along the coast (1 hr) and the hills behind the town (no shops so take all the water and snacks needed - 4 hrs). The route descriptions and way marks (see red and white strips in picture) are a little unclear at times but you should not get lost if you take your time at junctions. A less successful walk (supposed to be 3.5 hrs but took 4.5 hrs) from Tossa to Lloret spent too much time walking past endless holiday and retirement bungalows although the final couple of km along the coastal path was magnificent and made up for it. The wild spring flowers found everywhere were simply gorgeous.

As usual avoid the fixed price menus at the seafront restaurants like the plague. The better value ones tend to be the furthest away from the front. I would however recommend watching the sun go down with a cold beer from the bar in the old town overlooking the walls and the beach. During the civil war a British destroyer took off foreign nationals trapped by the fighting from this beach. 

What is striking and a joy to behold is the Catalan love of their family and especially children. The grumpy and officious bus driver who refused to let us on the bus 2 minutes early then held up the queue of passengers while he made a number of attempts (unsuccessful) to make a toddler smile. On the journey itself another passenger spent most of the trip trying (equally unsuccessfully) to persuade the child that he had stolen his nose. In a restaurant a teenage girl at a family meal completely unconsciously loudly kissed and hugged her grandmother. Dogs are numerous and also clearly adored. I had thought this was a particularly British canine love affair. The near constant cacophony of barking dogs is seemingly ignored. In London this would have resulted in at the threat of an ASBO! As for the Catalan’s loving football; try finding a bar or restaurant that didn’t have a massive TV on as loud as possible when local team Barcelona played on Wednesday evening (alas impossible)

Goggling Tossa I was pleased that I had a sort of excuse not to have gone swimming (the sea was freezing) by finding this report.

Btw for the avoidance of any doubt the title of this blog is no geographic reference whatsoever to any other (unison) blogger :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

3 Companies Project Awards

Organising, organising, organising...our new trade union mantra, especially in the outsourced private sector. The initial joint UNISON/SEIU 3 Companies project is now over. The self organising stage is next.

Good to see Bob Oram speaking (standing for re-election to NEC in North West region)

(Actually its always been about organising).

Socialism Free Purity Pledge

I'm back.  Came across this "pledge" here.  It reminds me of this.  Enjoy....

"For the Tea Party crowd, other socialists and I invite them to take the pledge and spread it around at every event they may hold.
I, ________________________, do solemnly swear to uphold the principles of a socialism-free society and heretofore pledge my word that I shall strictly adhere to the following:

I will complain about the destruction of 1st Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly being allowed to exercise my 1st Amendment Rights.

I will complain about the destruction of my 2nd Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly being allowed to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights by legally but brazenly brandishing unconcealed firearms in public.

I will foreswear the time-honored principles of fairness, decency, and respect by screaming unintelligible platitudes regarding tyranny, Nazi-ism, and socialism at public town halls. Also.

I pledge to eliminate all government intervention in my life. I will abstain from the use of and participation in any socialist goods and services including but not limited to the following:

* Social Security
* Medicare/Medicaid
* State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)
* Police, Fire, and Emergency Services
* US Postal Service
* Roads and Highways
* Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA)
* The US Railway System
* Public Subways and Metro Systems
* Public Bus and Lightrail Systems
* Rest Areas on Highways
* Sidewalks
* All Government-Funded Local/State Projects
* Public Water and Sewer Services
* Public and State Universities and Colleges
* Public Primary and Secondary Schools
* Sesame Street
* Publicly Funded Anti-Drug Use Education for Children
* Public Museums
* Libraries
* Public Parks and Beaches
* State and National Parks
* Public Zoos
* Unemployment Insurance
* Municipal Garbage and Recycling Services
* Treatment at Any Hospital or Clinic That Ever Received Funding From Local, State or Federal Government
* Medical Services and Medications That Were Created or Derived From Any Government Grant or Research Funding
* Socialist Byproducts of Government Investment Such as Duct Tape and Velcro
* Use of the Internets, email, and networked computers, as the DoD’s ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking
* Foodstuffs, Meats, Produce and Crops That Were Grown With, Fed With, Raised With or That Contain Inputs From Crops Grown With Government Subsidies
* Clothing Made from Crops (e.g. cotton) That Were Grown With or That Contain Inputs From Government Subsidies
If a veteran of the government-run socialist US military, I will forego my VA benefits and insist on paying for my own medical care
I will not tour socialist government buildings like the Capitol in Washington, D.C.
I pledge to never take myself, my family, or my children on a tour of the following types of socialist locations, including but not limited to:
* Smithsonian Museums such as the Air and Space Museum or Museum of American History
* The socialist Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson Monuments
* The government-operated Statue of Liberty given to us by the French
* The Grand Canyon
* The socialist World War II and Vietnam Veterans Memorials
* The government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery
* All other public-funded socialist sites, whether it be in my state or in Washington, DC
I will urge my Member of Congress and Senators to forego their government salary and government-provided healthcare.
I will oppose and condemn the government-funded and therefore socialist military of the United States of America.
I will boycott the products of socialist defense contractors such as GE, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Humana, FedEx, General Motors, Honeywell, and hundreds of others that are paid by our socialist government to produce goods for our socialist army.
I will protest socialist security departments such as the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, TSA, Department of Justice and their socialist employees.
Upon reaching eligible retirement age, I will tear up my socialist Social Security checks.
Upon reaching age 65, I will forego Medicare and pay for my own private health insurance until I die.

_____________ _________________________

Signed Printed Name/Town or City"

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Buddhist Earth Day Message.

Buddha's foundational teaching of interconnection and interdependence, or co-arising demands that we live in balance with the environment. If we are just as apart of a towering tree as it's leaves, then to recklessly destroy our forests, rivers and oceans is to slowly but exponentially kill apart of ourselves.

The Buddha's teaching on walking the middle ground between extremes of over-consumption and austerity fits perfectly into the modern, environmental practice of living in balance with nature. It's what we speak of today as "sustainability" or living within our means. It's not necessary to live like a cave man to be an environmentalist in the Buddhist sense, as that would be living out of balance in austerity. It's structuring our lives, so that when we utilize nature's resources, we do it in a balanced and sustainable way.

This "one or the other" thinking that exists in the environmentalist debate today is a less skillful approach. We don't have to choose between environmental sustainability and destructive over-consumption. The environment uses our byproducts of exhaled carbon dioxide to live, and our body waste (or that of animals) as fertilizer, so it's a symbiotic relationship of give and take. The problem comes, of course, when we take much more than is given and the entire ecosystem is throw out of balance, endangering all.

Another modern day environmental tenet is recycling, which, again fits snugly within the Dharma. Buddha's robes (and those of his fellow monks) where said to be fashioned from scraps of cloth found discarded and donated by generous families. They would even use scraps from the clothes of dead people donated by grieving families!! How many of us wear second-hand clothes made from discarded fabric?!! However, we don't have to adorn ourselves in tattered cloth in order to leave a soft footprint on the environment. It's a matter of repairing garments that are otherwise perfectly wearable, rather than throwing them in the trash.

Buddha also didn't have a fancy, extensive wardrobe to choose from, but rather only what was necessary. For us, today, that means buying less clothes than we need, which is not only in keeping with the middle path, but also the Buddhist ideal of balanced consumption. It also means donating old clothes, instead of throwing them in the garbage. And less garbage means a less polluted environment; thus, a healthier place to live.

In wrapping up the post, I want to come full circle back to interconnection. As Buddhists, we believe that all sentient beings are reborn upon death. Therefore, we should feel a strong commitment to leave a better world for those beings. To paraphrase a famous quote, the environment is on loan to us from future generations. Let's not ruin it for them--and us. Happy Earth Day everyone!!

~Peace to all beings~

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Arizona Redneck Videos: Economy,anti-Redneck Discrimination, Illegal Immigration, Obama

If you haven't checked out these videos before, a character actor by the name of Moppix does some hilarious impersonations of racist "rednecks" from Arizona on his Youtube channel. Below, I have included his videos of the "redneck philosophy" about the economy, discrimination (against rednecks), illegal immigrants, and Obama. In any case, check out all of the videos below.

1. First, here is his take on the economy:

2. His video on discrimination against rednecks:

Here is his video about illegal imigration:

His video about Obama:

If you have ever found yourself saying any of the things on this video WITHOUT joking, please do the world a favor and don't pass on your seed to the next generation. Thanks.
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Best Shots (159) ~ Melanie Friend

(186) Melanie Friend ~ East Berlin, 1990 (20 April 2011).

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Lady Gag - Perform This Way: Controversy

Even though the word on the street is that this video may have been approved by Lady Gaga now, there was some initial controversy between regarding his parody of her song "Perform This Way". As a professional courtesy, Yankovic seeks approval from all artists before publishing parodies of their songs. Most artists take it as a sign that they have "arrived" in the world of music. However, in the case of Gaga, she refused permission for him to publish the song after Al sent her a recording. Technically, her permission is something Al doesn't even technically need under the copyright laws in order to release the song because its a parody. However, he usually hold off releasing the songs (at least for money) anyway as a professional courtesy, and he decided to release the video on Youtube instead.

What was the reason for Gaga's refusal? Your guess is as good as mine; although, I am sure that being too much of a prima donna has something to do with it.

The video is below.

While I think that the video is good, I think Lady Gaga is more of a parody just walking around breathing than Yankovic could ever make in a three minute song. It's just impossible to make this woman any more foolish than she already is.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Photojournalists killed in LIbya

Two committed and accomplished photojournalists, Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros, have been killed while working in Libya. You can find coverage of the story at The Guardian here and here and here, at The New York Times here and here and here, and at npr here.Needless to say, this is very sad.

Huckabee's '08 Iowa Chair Supports Roy Moore

I trust everyone has heard the news that 2-time failed Alabama gubernatorial candidate Roy Moore has decided if he can't win in Alabama to try his hand @ winning the country and formed an exploratory committee to run for president.  An interesting note is that he now has the backing of one of Mike Huckabee's -08 state chairs (former state legislator Danny Carroll) in his quest:
Carroll is the former board chairman of the Iowa Family Policy Center, which is now part of Bob Vander Plaats’ Family Leader organization.  Carroll is currently a paid lobbyist for The Family Leader at the State Capitol.  He is accompanying Judge Moore on a 25-stop, weeklong Iowa tour.

“The Judge has asked me to help him with an Iowa organization and I’m honored to be a part of that,” Carroll said during an interview with WHO Radio’s Jan Mickelson on Monday.   “I’ve been impressed with the judge’s stand for some time and I’ve particularly been impressed with his qualifications and experience as we look at the upcoming Iowa Caucuses.  More to the point, someone who has the intimate legal knowledge and understanding of the Constitution of the United States of Iowa.”  (Yes, Carroll said “United States of Iowa.”)

Old People With Walkers

I have been telling people that following the release of the Ryan budget I would immediately run an ad with elderly people having their walkers taken away in it.  Well the DNC took a little longer than I would have, and this isn't it exactly, but its the same concept:



Fat Girls Show off Baby Bump

Just like Natalie Portman, Melissa Rycroft, Kate Hudson, Jane Krakowsk, Pink, Laura Saltman, Jennifer Connelly, Rachel Zoe, Christina Applegate, Amy Poehler, and a whole bunch of other people you've never heard of who are Hollywood Stars, these fat chicks have decided to show off their baby bump to the world. Scroll down for pics.

As an aspiring nursing student at Stevens Hennigar and a part time Walmart stocker, this fat chick decided to strut her stuff on the red carpet and show off her emerging baby bump. "People as me all the time how I maintain my figure while pregnant," she reported. "I still get I.D.ed at bars."

Possibly the most anticipated pregnancy of the year comes from this fat girl, reportedly fathered by Tom Green. "I am so excited to be having a baby with Tom," the fat girl gushed. "The media exposure has been great for my career. I have already read three new scripts this month."

Another muffin topped girl having a baby was interviewed by Access Hollywood of Black Swan. "I just enjoy eating, okay? And, by the way, I AM NOT PREGNANT, YOU BASTARDS!"

And, a couple more gratuitous pics of fat girls.

Life is grand.

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