Thursday, April 21, 2011
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Lady Gag - Perform This Way: Controversy
Even though the word on the street is that this video may have been approved by Lady Gaga now, there was some initial controversy between regarding his parody of her song "Perform This Way". As a professional courtesy, Yankovic seeks approval from all artists before publishing parodies of their songs. Most artists take it as a sign that they have "arrived" in the world of music. However, in the case of Gaga, she refused permission for him to publish the song after Al sent her a recording. Technically, her permission is something Al doesn't even technically need under the copyright laws in order to release the song because its a parody. However, he usually hold off releasing the songs (at least for money) anyway as a professional courtesy, and he decided to release the video on Youtube instead.
What was the reason for Gaga's refusal? Your guess is as good as mine; although, I am sure that being too much of a prima donna has something to do with it.
The video is below.
While I think that the video is good, I think Lady Gaga is more of a parody just walking around breathing than Yankovic could ever make in a three minute song. It's just impossible to make this woman any more foolish than she already is.
perform this way,