Picture is from the launch yesterday by Tower Hamlets Council Leader, Helal Abbas, of his campaign to become Labour Mayor. (picture by Dan McCurry)
I wasn't there but from Facebook reports I understand there was lots of Party members and 28 Tower Hamlets Councillors present. There was also at least 2 Newham Councillors.
The Labour Party has expelled 11 members including 8 Councillors for supporting the "Independent" candidate and quite rightly anyone else who campaigns against the Party will also face expulsion.
There was 5 campaign sessions in Tower Hamlets this weekend. The campaign office is at 349 Cambridge Heath Road, London, E2 9RA and will be open for canvassing and leafleting from 10am-6.30pm every day until the election.
Or you can ring 0207 729 6682 or email abbas4mayor@gmail.com for further details.
I'll be seeing what Tower Hamlets trade union affiliates can do to help.