Monday, October 25, 2010

Train Now Boarding

This is a post of some larger stations and terminals from around the country. Let's start with the West Coast first. Oakland, CA was home of the famous 'Oakland Mole', the Southern Pacific Railroad's huge railroad pier where long long distance trains pulled in and train ferries to San Francisco docked. This postcard gives the viewer an idea of the size of the train shed alone.

For more information on the famous 'Oakland Mole', click here:

The St. Louis Union Station was truly a 'cross-roads of America' circa 1906 through 1920. Here are both interior and exterior views of this busy railroad facility.

For more information on the St. Louis Union Station, click here:

The Washington, D.C. Union Station was just as impressive and busy as well. These early postcards give us an idea of just what world-class railroad architectural grandeur meant.

For more information on the Washington D.C. Union Station, click here:,_D.C.%29