Thursday, September 9, 2010

Four Parodies of David After The Dentist

Ah, David After The Dentist -- the Youtube classic that features a high up 8 year old high on Novocaine. Who ever thought that a little boy could get so famous in life for being on a drug trip on camera? Apparently David's parents, that's who. But, of course, for every video that comes out like this on Youtube, 500 or so parodies are sure to follow. To save time for our esteemed readers, we here at Future Twit have selected out the funniest parodies from those ranks of videos to make David even funnier. Enjoy!

First, the originial (mildly funny):

Second, David After The Divorce (very funny):

Third, David After The Dentist Remix (catchy):

Fourth, David After The Drugs (funniest of all!!!):

We hope that you enjoyed those posts! Stay tuned for more funny videos that we pluck from the crap on Youtube.
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