Tuesday, September 14, 2010

STAND UP: For Decent Work - TUC Thursday October 7

Thursday October 7 is the "World Day for Decent Jobs".  This day is supported by the TUC and trade unions in over 100 countries.

The 3 core messages for this year are:-

- Growth and decent jobs, not austerity, are essential to beating the crisis and ending poverty;
- Quality public services are essential for a decent life and must not be slashed in the name of fiscal consolidation; and,
- The financial sector must pay for the damage it has caused and be made to serve the real economy and real human needs.

This is not just about developing countries - my branch has employer's who allow contractors to force their staff to work 6 x 12 hour shifts (including nights) per week on minimum wage (inner London).  I think that many other UK union branches can tell similar stories (and worse).

Find out more about this Day for action here while bloggers can participate here.

The TUC will be holding a comedy Stand Up event that evening (see left) featuring the excellent Shappi Khorsandi.