Friday, September 17, 2010

The Pope, the Dove and the Thorn

I'm not particularly exercised in any way by the Pope's visit. 

In my perhaps, wishy, washy British way, I think that it is some sort of a "good thing".

I was brought up in a largely  secular environment but many of my boyhood friends were Roman Catholic (mostly second generation Irish).

I would fundamentally agree with those who argue for tolerance and free speech for all believers and non believers. 

I do like this photo by a retired RAF serviceman, John Gray (no known relation), of a "Dove of Peace" to celebrate the pontiffs visit (even if it was published in the Daily Hate).

But while I also do think that some of the more militant secularists have overstepped the mark somewhat recently, to be honest, the clearly racist remarks by the Pope's advisor, Cardinal Kasper, about Britain and our multicultural society just about makes you despair of the Catholic Church and its leadership.  IMO.