Friday, July 2, 2010

Enthusiasms (30) ~ David Murray

This post is well over due. To say that David Murray plays tenor sax and bass clarinet is a bit of an understatement. He has made many dozens of remarkable records over the course of three-plus decades, mostly on small independent labels - Sound Aspects, Black Saint, Justin Time, Delmark. While he records in a wide variety of contexts, I especially like his recordings with his Octet (in various incarnations) and in Duet settings. The two covers I've lifted here from his Octet were recorded two decades apart but both are very good. I had the pleasure of taking my two (more or less wholly unappreciative) sons to the duet concert with Kahil el Zabar at the Bop Shop. But I'd been hooked on their earlier CD, Golden Sea, for years. What prompts this post is that my son Douglas gave me a border's gift card for Father's Day. And I finally used part of it to buy the Murray-Waldron duets recording, mostly because I wanted to see how it compared to his much earlier session with Randy Weston. In any case, if you don't know David Murray's music you should.