No surprise to anyone that I was very pleased to hear yesterday that the Unite Executive confirmed that they had overwhelmingly agreed to support Ed Miliband as the new Labour Party leader. This followed a similar "overwhelming" vote by its national political committee.
What matters now of course is turning this commitment (and that of UNISON and GMB) to "urge its one million members eligible to vote in the Labour leadership contest to make Ed Miliband their choice for leader of the Labour party" into actual votes.
Ed Miliband has received the endorsement of the "big 3" affiliated trade unions. The press seem here to be trying to make out that there is some sort of smoke filled room deal by so called "union barons" to make Ed the their choice. This is complete rubbish. Now I accept that I have openly supported Ed for a while so what I am about to say could be a bit suspect but I have been pleased at the degree of genuine grass roots support for Ed Miliband amongst trade union activists. The reason is I think because being activists they have either seen him at a hustings, read interviews about him or even checked out his website.
We want someone who has the passion, personality and politics who can change the Party and still defeat Cameron and his CONDEMS. Ed is the best candidate to do this.
What needs to be done is firstly get Ed in front of as many non-activist members as possible - get him talking to them and answering their questions either in person or via our media. Secondly to encourage activists to talk to their members about the election and about Ed. Finally the unions must support turnout and encourage members to vote. Simple endorsements by union national political committees will not be enough.
(picture credit Dan McCurry at the West Ham CLP hustings)