Hat tip TUC Pension Trustee Network:
"Date Tue, 16 Nov 2010: Time to from 09:30 to 16:30 Location Congress House, Great Russell Street, London
Cost: The cost for attending remains frozen at the level of earlier years and is £50 Unions, £75 Education, Public or Voluntary Sector; Commercial £250. Payments can be by cheque payable to ‘Trades Union Congress’ or by card.
Description: The theme of this year’s Member Trustee Network conference is ‘Stronger Stewardship’ and the conference will take place in Congress House. Delegates will be able to hear from a range of speakers, including the Pensions Minister Steve Webb, about the latest developments in pensions policy. There will also be a choice of workshops.
A buffet lunch will be provided. Please indicate any access or dietary requirements.
The conference will be followed by an early evening reception.
Accessibility Congress House is an accessible building.
Register interest or request more information
If you wish to attend please contact, trusteesATtucDOTorg.uk"
(Picture is of early trade union pension trustees)