More evidence (if really needed) of the shame faced hypocrisy of our new Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg.
In this pre-election letter to electors in Kingston he claims that "Voting Labour will only help the Conservatives win".
I love the stuff about "most people remember the damage the last Conservative government did to our country. Record unemployment, cuts to front line services and politics riddled with sleaze...Today's Conservatives haven't changed...funded by billionaires and city bankers...helped cause the economic meltdown...Conservatives want to cut taxes for millionaires while giving the rest of us a VAT rise (yeah)..a vote for Lib Dems will mean lower taxes...investment in schools(!!!)...
The ironic thing is I think that there are many Liberal Democrats who are genuinely ashamed of their Party's alliance but "Orange Book" Clegg is of course clearly not one of them.
Hat-tip thingy Col. Roi