Here were some thoughts I had in response to the story link above:
All of the racists are buzzing again, just like every time a story about Mexico, illegal immigrants, Latinos, Muslims, or pretty much anyone who is "non-white" (non-pink?) gets published on the internet.
To all racists: look, we all know that you have had your golden age for the last few hundred years or so. Europe developed early technologically, they invaded a few countries, took some slaves, stole resources from others, and generally had a few good laughs. But, times are changing now. The rest of the world, especially the countries seen as "non-white", are starting to catch up now. Even in your beloved United States, Latinos, blacks, Asians, even Muslims are starting to catch up to whites in terms of population, economic status, and political power. Whites should learn to be nicer to these groups, particularly to the "illegal immigrants" (i.e. desperately poor people who come to work to avoid starvation) because these groups will be in charge in 40 years.
Look, I know that change is hard. You're so used to walking out of the door and seeing only people who look, act, and think very similar to how you do in life. However, change is coming.
Pretty Latina Dancing: