Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pants on Fire

You know how Taiwan's President has been claiming that signing the ECFA with China will lead to FTAs with other countries? Turns out either he was a hopeless optimist or once again he lied:
Ma Zhaoxu, mainland China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman, said Beijing stands against Taiwan concluding FTAs with other countries.

Ma said even after signing the cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement, Beijing would not shift its position on this matter.

“We have no problems with Taiwan and mainland China’s diplomatic allies engaging in unofficial economic activities,” he said. “But any move to forge official agreements without our consent is absolutely unacceptable.”

There goes another reason to sign ECFA. Are there any left? Can the public believe anything Marky Ma says anymore seeing as his every prediction has gone south. (See his 6-3-3 PRE-ELECTION promise).

Meanwhile in reality, I'm girding myself for the rejection of the TSU's referendum question on entirely weak and spurious grounds. I'm also curious why the Premier said there could be a referendum on ECFA after it is signed and passed by the legislature but not before ...