Great news on an otherwise miserable day (the CONDEM "emergency" budget). Centre left moderate Dave Prentis has been overwhelmingly re-elected as UNISON General Secretary. Official result here
"Dave Prentis 145,351 (67.2%)
Roger Bannister 42,651 (19.7%)
Paul Holmes 28,114 (13%)
Dave has been UNISON’s General Secretary since January, 2001, he said:
“This is a vote of confidence in the union and the direction that we have been taking over the past few years.
“We face critical times as a union and it is important that we remain united, strong and focussed on dealing with the challenges that face our members.
“Under the coalition government, public services face an onslaught on a scale unprecedented since Thatcher was Prime Minister. The government is pressing ahead with cuts to public services, to our members’ jobs, pay and pensions, with complete disregard to the serious social consequences.
“We are ready to face the tough times ahead, we are growing in strength and numbers. Together we will stand up for quality public services, for the hardworking people that provide them, and for the poor, the sick and vulnerable people who rely on them for support.
“We will be the people who stand in the way of these ferocious attacks on our public services and the path to creating a fairer society”.
(Check out UNISONactive take on this victory – I couldn’t possible comment on Lord Sutch:)