I caught these quotes tonight at a friend's house. A whole segment on CNN was devoted to the issue of the ECFA trade agreement. These words emerged from the CNN 'Asian expert''s mouth:
"Well we saw a few thousand people marching on the streets against the trade deal but if you are familiar with Taiwan, protests are to be expected".
"Taiwan's economy is doing very well. They posted their largest growth in the last 30 years".
"Gosh, China really is in all the news these days". (From the Anchor as his last comment before segueing into a new topic)
One thing did strike me though was that the old AFP 'split in 1949' formula was conspicuous by its absence and they skirted the independence issue calling Taiwan's status undefined.
Overall: 3/10 for what overall constituted utter drivel thereby winning CNN The Award For The Most Inaccurate And Inane Misinformation Farted Into The World's Consciousness.