Thursday, September 9, 2010

Promoting UNISON in Labour: Vote Ed Miliband for Leader

This evening I received an automated telephone message from UNISON Labour Link. The message encouraged me to vote for Ed Miliband to be the next Labour Party leader as the person best to save services and protect jobs.

It also asked my current voting intentions and asked if I was a member of the Labour Party (and if not do I want to join).

I think this is a very constructive way for a union's political fund to engage with member's and also let them know who their democratically elected lay leadership think is best for the job.

Yesterday I received by post ballot papers via UNISON and the Fabians - today I got another ballot paper from the Labour Housing Group (LHG).  This makes 4 ballot paper's for the national Party leadership(Labour Party, Fabians, UNISON and LHG) and 5 for London Mayor (London Labour Party member; Co-operative Party, Fabians and UNISON Labour Link).  I think this is it?

The LHG ballot paper makes me remember to do something about contacting Labour "housing people" locally about seeing if we can form a London branch of the Labour Housing Group.  We need a stronger Labour Party voice on all forms of housing in London.  We cannot let the hardline right win the battle of ideas on this core progressive issue.