Thursday, September 2, 2010

On board the Livingstone Battle Bus against Boris & CONDEM Cuts

Early yesterday morning I was with London UNISON convener, Gloria Hanson, at Euston to join other trade unionists who were helping London Labour Mayor Candidate, Ken Livingtone, launch his Boris and CONDEM anti-cuts campaign.  We went on a open air double decker bus to the Beormund Community Centre in Bermondsey, which itself is facing a Government £40k cut in its budget putting its existence in doubt. With us amongst others was Steve Hart, the Unite Regional Secretary, Paul Hayes the London GMB regional secretary, David Lammy MP and of course - Ken. 

Before we set off Ken got a good reception from passing commuters who shouted support and gave him the "thumbs up" sign and in return they received the famous grin.  Ken is of course notoriously a bit of a "Marmite" character, but ordinary Londoners seemed to be genuinely pleased to see him and offer support.

The bus driver was unsure of the best route to Bermondsey, so the Unite union Black taxi reps present offerred to help.  This could have been a "tricky" situation (taxi drivers telling bus drivers "what to do") but it seemed to work well (all comrades together!).  Perhaps also we were lucky there were no low bridges on route either? :)

The immediate Boris/CONDEM cuts already announced and the prospect of even much, much more are the defining issue facing Londoners.  We need the candidate who is best able to inspire and protect ordinary Londoners and then defeat in 2012 the ideological "slash and burners" who will be doing their level best to destroy our London.

In this particular battle - nothing else matters.

UPDATE: check out Mary Honeyball MEP top post here on her support for Ken.