Monday, September 6, 2010

Mensaje de solidaridad a los 33 mineros de la mina San Jose, Copiapo, Chile

"West Ham Ward Labour Party saluda a los 33 mineros valientes de la mina San Jose y les mandamos nuestros mejores deseos de solidaridad y para un rescate segura. Su valor es otro testimonio mas del heroismo de los mineros y su accidente nos recuerda que las empresas mineras tienen que hacer mas para proteger la salud y seguridad de sus trabajadores.


Message of support to the 33 miners of the San Jose mine, Copiapo, Chile

"West Ham Ward Labour Party greets the 33 brave miners of the San Jose mine and sends you our best wishes for a safe rescue. Your courage is yet another testimony to the heroism of miners and your accident reminds us that mining companies must do more to protect the health and safety of their workers".

On Thursday evening I was at the monthly Labour Party meeting of West Ham Ward (which I represent as one of their three Councillors) and was very proud that the above motion was put to the meeting and not only passed unanimously but with genuine and heartfelt expressions of solidarity and support. 

One of the older members present, Gerry, who in his youth, shovelled coal into generators all day for a living, proposed that we send a donation of £100 from ward funds to their union to support the families of the miners trapped below.  This was agreed and we sent the motion with a request for further donations to this week's West Ham CLP Executive meeting.

Sometimes we can all be a little bit too cynical about traditional grass roots Labour Party structures.

I'm trying to find out the best way to pass on the money to the appropriate Chilean union via UNISON. 

Thinking of the health and safety hazards of working underground also made me think of the strike that started this evening against Tory Mayor, Boris Johnson, plans to close ticket offices on London Underground and reduce numbers of staff available to deal with accidents and fires.

UPDATE: Great news!