Monday, June 29, 2009

Turncoat Ford To Seek Democratic Primary Nod For Senate
Former Democrat/Republican and Mayor of Tuskegee Johnny Ford has decided to make a Democratic primary challenge for the Alabama Senate:
Ford says he plans to run next year for the Senate District 28 seat currently held by Democrat Myron Penn of Union Springs.

Ford was elected Tuskegee's first black mayor in 1972. He was defeated in 1996. But two years later, he was elected to the Alabama House as a Democrat. He eventually switched parties and became Alabama's first black Republican legislator since Reconstruction. Ford left the House in 2004 to become mayor of Tuskegee, but he lost his re-election bid last year. Ford says he's pleased to be back in the Democratic Party. He's planning a campaign kickoff Tuesday at the Statehouse in Montgomery.

Women Can Go Topless In Public Says Swedish City

A Swedish city has ruled that women can go topless at public swimming pools:
A council spokesman told The Local that “We don’t define what bathing suits men should wear so it doesn’t make much sense to do it for women. And besides, it’s not unusual for men to have large breasts that resemble women’s breasts.”

The leader of the feminist group behind the law said that “It’s a question of equality. I think it’s a problem that women are sexualized in this way. If women are forced to wear a top, shouldn’t men also have to?”

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Zen is Very Simple.

James: Zen Master Seung Sahn is one of the most fascinating personalities and wise teachers in Buddhism today. His style is so approachable from the videos, quotes and writings that I have seen/read.

He has a way of teaching serious subjects in fun, innovative and yet always challenging ways. The ability to teach from so many different angles is the sign of a great teacher to me because people learn in various ways and are at different points along the spectrum of practice.

From the 1985 Sumner Kyol Che Opening, Ceremony:

Linc just said, "Zen is very simple. Dishwashing time, just wash dishes; sitting time, just sit; driving time, just drive; talking time, just talk; walking time, just walk." That's all. Not special. But that is very difficult. That is absolutes thinking. When you're doing something, just do it. No opposites. No subject, no object. No inside, no outside. Outside and inside become one. That's called absolutes.

It's easy to talk about "When you're doing something, just do it," but action is very difficult. Sitting: thinking, thinking, thinking. Chanting: also thinking, thinking. Bowing time: not so much, but some thinking, thinking, checking, checking mind appear. Then you have a problem.

But don't hold. Thinking is OK. Checking is OK. Only holding is a problem. Don't hold. Feeling coming, going, OK. Don't hold. If your mind is not holding anything, it is clear like space. Clear like space means that sometimes clouds come, sometimes rain or lightning or airplane comes, or even a missile blows up, BOOM! World explodes, but the air is never broken. This space is never broken.

Yeah, other things are broken but this space is never changing. Even if a nuclear bomb explodes, it doesn't matter. Space is space. That mind is very important. If something in your mind explodes, then don't hold it. Then it will disappear. Sometimes anger mind appears but soon disappears. But if you hold it, you have a problem. Appear, disappear, that's OK. Don't hold. Then it becomes wisdom. My anger mind becomes wisdom. My desire mind becomes wisdom. Everything becomes wisdom. That's interesting, yeah? So don't hold. That's very important point.

-Zen Master Seung Sahn

~Peace to all beings~

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Boat at the Dock

This is another interesting scene I ran across in the Netherlands. There is so much water in this little country they use boats for delivering goods and supplies.
watercolor 8 1/2" X 6 !/2"

Alicia Delgado hallada muerta ¿asesinada por Abencia Meza?

... pistolazo!

Abencia Meza y Alicia Delgado
Abencia Meza y Alicia Delgado cuando todo era felicidad

Abencia Meza y Alicia DelgadoLa cantante folclórica Alicia Delgado fue encontrada muerta esta mañana en su departamento de Surco con signos de haber sido apuñalada. El cadáver de la llamada "Princesita del Folclore" fue hallado en posición decúbito dorsal (boca arriba) presentando múltiples heridas punzo-cortantes. En estos instantes, la División de Homicidios de la Policía Nacional del Perú se encuentra en el lugar de los hechos para realizar las primeras investigaciones del caso. Todo parece indicar que la folclórica intentó defenderse del ataque, razón por la cual sus manos presentan numerosos golpes y heridas. La controvertida pareja sentimental de Alicia Delgado, la también cantante vernacular Abencia Meza, alias "Pistolita", se convierte en la principal sospechosa de este presunto asesinato. Hace algunas semanas, la ahora fallecida "Princesa del Folclore" había denunciado a "Pistolita" por agresión y maltrato físico, e incluso llegó a pedir garantías para su vida. Cabe mencionar que Alicia Delgado se encontraba desaparecida desde el pasado lunes, hecho que fue reportado por la misma Abencia. El vehículo de la víctima fue encontrado la noche del martes en la Av. Tupac Amaru, distrito de Independencia. Según testigos, la camioneta de marca Hyundai modelo Tucson año 2007, de placa RON-323, fue abandonada frente a un taller mecánico la tarde del martes por un sujeto rollizo y de baja estatura. La unidad era ocasionalmente conducida por el chofer de la occisa, un ex militar de nombre Pedro Mamanchura Antúnez (sospechoso en calidad de no habido), quien es por añadidura sobrino de "Pistolita".

Alicia Delgado

A tempranas horas de hoy, tras la respectiva denuncia de desaparición efectuada por familiares y amigos de Delgado, "Pistolita" acudió a la Comisaría de Independencia para rendir su manifestación. Hasta ese momento se desconocía el paradero de Alicia. "No la veo desde el lunes", declaró en el interrogatorio. A su salida de la dependencia policial, Abencia conversaría con la prensa: "No soy la persona indicada para hablar sobre el tema, el asunto pasa a manos de la comisaría. Qué te puedo decir, lo único que sé es que el martes encontramos la camioneta de Alicia y que ella no estaba allí. No sé nada más. Ya hablaremos después, disculpa, me tengo que ir", declaró muy nerviosa la autora del popular tema "Una cerveza". Rato después, efectivos de la Dirincri se apersonarían al domicilio de Alicia Delgado, ubicado en la primera cuadra de la Av. Boulevard, Dpto. 602, en Monterrico, Surco. Fue allí donde la hallaron muerta.

Un par de pedidos a título personal. Primero, que a la oportunista concha-de-su-madre de Michelle Alexander no se le ocurra hacer otra telenovela de esta tragedia; y segundo, que la policía se ponga las pilas y enchirone de una buena vez a la loca de mierda de "Pistolita", no tanto por asesina sino más bien por fea.

Día negro para la música: además de Alicia también se nos fue Michael Jackson

Abencia Meza y Alicia Delgado - El principio del fin

Links de interés:
Alicia Delgado - Web Oficial

I Have Seen the Devil and It is Us.

"We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form."

--William Ralph Inge, writer and Anglican Prelate (1860-1954).

~Peace to all beings~

Monday, June 22, 2009

Girls at the Louvre

A couple of girls at the Louvre checking out the art. The Louvre (in Paris) is the largest art museum in the world with the largest collection of art. From ancient to modern art, from paintings to sculpture, they've got it all. It's also easy to get lost, but if you do there's plenty to look at .
Watercolor 6"X8"

Border Inn

I used to have this idea for a movie/comic where this guy finds a hidden valley. The valley is a desert pan basin. In the middle is a single adobe house underneath some scattered fluffy cumulus clouds. The clouds never move. The guy goes up to the house and there doesn’t seem to be anyone living there. The house has some small horizontal windows but they are translucent and covered with beads of water on the inside. There is a faint humming emanating from inside the house. The guy notices that the clouds don’t seem to be going anywhere so he plants a stick in the ground at the edge of one of the shadows. The shadows of the clouds do move, but trace exactly the same path as that of the stick. Then they guy leaves, blah blah, he comes back weeks later and everything is the same. He finally decides to break into the house. The door of the house is some kind of super industrial iron door so he breaks a window which is large enough to crawl through. I never figured out what happened after that, but i'm sure it was something really bad.

There is no real way for me to post this any smaller.

Ttraveling on Utah State Highway 21 I passed through some wide basins that closely resemble that valley I was imagining. The route is a great starting point if you wanted to do a meditative black and white photo essay on emptiness and timelessness. The roads are straight for incredibly long distances across empty flat basins before climbing over high ranges of mountains that are hard to remember. Now I understand some of those old stories about miners who found preposterously grand gold veins but then could never find the mountain again when they returned later to start the mine.

An old house in the historic town of Junction, Utah.

I had been considering one of two separate routes to get to Baker Nevada, but while traversing the Wasatch Range on a dirt road i stopped to film a timelapse of some pretty clouds moving over quaking aspen. Filming a timelapse takes 10 to 20 minutes depending on how fast the clouds are moving. During this time a guy came walking up to me from a distant cabin in the woods. He walked waaay across the field. That makes for an awkward moment. At what point do you officially greet someone who is walking straight towards you for 6 minutes? I'll have to remember to ask the people at the Mongolian travel agency about that.

The man turned out to be the sheriff of a nearby town. It was his day off, so he was holding a tall budlight instead of a gun. He looked kinda like Tommy Lee Jones, and he had a little dog with a red kerchief around it's neck. We talked for a while and i mentioned my plans. He told me that the road i was considering was a "good" choice because "there's nothin out there, you can just burn through that country." Now that i think about it, he kinda sounded like Tommy Lee Jones too.

I was a bit suspicious about the statement. Was this sheriff setting me up by telling me i could "burn through that country" just so he could call up his buddy and tell him he was sending some jackass his way? Fortunately he was telling the truth.

Images from Fishlake National Forest in the Wasatch Mountains.

It’s the Basin and Range area which makes up all of Nevada, as well as a large portion of Central Utah and Eastern California. I’ve been through parts of it before, but this drive seemed to have bigger, flatter basins. And it was on a remote road with no services or towns for 83 miles. The towns that did exist, Milford on the south end and Garrison on the north, were literally on their way to becoming ghost towns. Milford had far more people than Garrison, and even a new high school, but everyone was impoverished and life was hard. Those people and their lives made for some good pictures, if you are the kind of person who can do that stuff.

I was going to stay in one such settlement called Baker, which is the main entry point to get into Great Basin National Park. Here’s a funny thing about Baker, IT HAS NO FOOD. I was going to check into one of the two motels and the (eccentric to say the least) manager, who was also the bartender, told me the rooms were $54. Wow, that’s great, i thought (although I was already getting scared about the condition of the rooms based on what the office looked and smelled like). I asked where I could get some food and he said "There’s not any". I mentioned a restaurant/grocery I thought I saw about a block away on the other end of town. He said it was closed for the season. Apparently all anyone needs to survive in Baker Nevada during the season of the year when it’s cooled down to 90 degrees, is liquor. There was plenty of that.

The Border Inn as viewed from Utah.

So I asked him where there was some food and he said at the Border Inn. I asked him how to get there. It was 15 miles away, which didn’t take long driving 100 mph in search of food. I mean seriously, hotels but now food? I could write an entire blog on just that statement. They only have food when it is the "season for eating". To be fair, there are some small towns that have no need for a public serving restaurant, but give me a break, Baker is listed on about 4 tourism guides i have for Nevada as being a tourist destination.

The Border Inn is a truck stop with rooms, literally on the border of Utah/Nevada. On one side of the Inn you can gamble in slot machines and on the other side you can buy much cheaper Utah gas. It is the best of both weird worlds. But the best thing is that they have food there! The Border Inn is at the bottom of one of those huge desert basins, and you can see 100 miles to nothingness. In fact, the valley is supposed to have the clearest air of the lower 48. It’s next to another sign that say “next services 83 miles”.

Baker is 200 miles away from Las Vegas as the crow flies. There is absolutely no water to spare anywhere in the area.

Incredibly the rooms there were only $37 a night. The room was only partially as I feared. It DID have wood paneling walls and the associated furniture, and of course a framed picture of an American Bald Eagle flying through a dramatically lit forest in a mountain area. It DID NOT smell bad, it was clean except for constantly appearing moths that I found myself stepping on. It had what looked like a newly renovated bathroom, except for the old yellow tub.

The air conditioner worked great, even though it looked like someone had their head bashed into it 15 times. After being outside roasting in the sun from dawn till dusk i felt like crawling into a vampire's coffin, but after a short while i smelled all kinds of nasty fumes and started to seriously worry that the building was on fire. So I went outside around back and saw that there was indeed a fire. It wasn’t the building on fire but a couple of big piles of random materials, many of which shouldn’t be burnt, in shallow depressions just burning away. There was a lawn sprinkler on one of them, making it smokier. I got closer and could see that at least some of the stuff that was on fire looked like what I had imagined my bathroom would have looked like if it hadn't been newly renovated, there was even a ceramic toilet in the fire. I guess the renovations were more recent than I had assumed.

Next up for burning of fire number two, a camper shell....

Ironically I got the best nights sleep, there at the truck stop, of my entire vacation. There were no jets overhead or drunk partiers who stay up till 3 in the morning, or old people who love to get up at 4 in the morning and start having long conversations with their deaf friends in Orlando, or honking trains, or screaming elk or barking dogs. The highway sat completely silent for 10 minutes at a time and I couldn’t hear anything anyway, possibly do to shielding from several layers of double long semi trucks and another long building of motel rooms.

Also, the dining room there was very clean and actually well decorated for what they had to work with. The food was cheap in price, hardy and of big tasty portions. It made me feel like driving a semi for 600 miles. There was a girl, possibly Shoshone, who was getting way too much attention, and possibly just a tiny fraction more than she wanted, from the two guys she knew in the area. They had nothing to do but hang out in the restaurant while she worked. Each one would take turns vying for her attention and asking her out on a date in a roundabout way. She may have been the only girl their age within 80 miles.

At the table right in front of me i got to listen to these two old time miners talking about their mines. One of them seemed to be a hermit and it was the first time in a month he had seen anyone. He said he had this dumptruck and there were some days he put up to 90 miles on it just picking a load up from his mine and dumping a short distance away at his sorter or mill or whatever he had. It was interesting to listen to how their days went. It would have been neat to go hang out with them for a day. They both seemed constantly consider whether or not to continue with their own private mines or to go to a larger company owned mine somewhere else where they could make more money but would have to be an ordinary worker.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Video Porno de Leighton Meester de Gossip Girl

... videos sexuales para pajearse más de una vez

Leighton MeesterLa actriz Leighton Meester, conocida por su papel de la sexy socialite Blair Waldorf en la serie Gossip Girl, tiene un video porno casero en donde le hacen de todo. Para regocijo de la siempre exigente lectoría pajera de Crónicas de la Farándula Kitsch, las imágenes muestran a la Meester tomando un curso intensivo del Kamasutra hindú y del imprescindible Manual de Poses cholo (el mismo que conociéramos hace un tiempo en forma de fascículos coleccionables gracias a la gentileza de tu diario El Chino), ejerciendo con sobriedad las más variadas posiciones sexuales, todas y cada una de las cuales filmadas acrobáticamente por su ahora ex novio bajo la recomendable modalidad artística denominada gonzo-porno, aquella variante del séptimo arte sexual muy en boga desde la aparición del Cholotube. Como no podía ser de otra manera, el video llega a nosotros por obra y gracia del despechado novio, quien decidió vender el hermoso material a la popular web pajeril (a cambio de un sencillo y de una suscripción vitalicia completamente gratis), sitio desde donde podrán descargar las peripecias amatorias de la Gossip Girl en el nunca tan bien llamado ring de las cuatro perillas. El pajerazo Kevin Blatt, webmaster de ha confirmado la veracidad de la información alzando bien en alto su temblorosa mano peluda: "Lo juro por mi vieja. He visto el video y es mejor de lo que esperaba. Una hora y veinticinco minutos de puro porno duro". Y sí, hay que ver nomás la manera en cómo este sátiro engatusa a los visitantes que aterrizan en su sacrosanta web: "Observa a la dulce Leighton Meester mientras hace un footjob (un pajazo con las pezuñas), una mamila, el helicóptero, el sixty-nine, el emperador troyano, el tiro doble, la pose de la sartén. Mira su impresionante culo, sus tetas perfectas, sus pezones rosaditos... disfruta de este manjar y de muchos otros más". Así es, mis estimados lectores pajeros, hablamos de todo un enfermo.

Leighton Meester

Capitanes, a ustedes no los puedo engañar. La verdad que no tengo ni la más remota idea de quién es esta fulana. Ni siquiera sé qué mierda es Gossip Girl. De seguro podrán encontrar sendas reseñas en los hipócritamente recatados blogs de mis queridos hermanos(as) de leche, a ellos les encanta escribir sobre todas estas mariconadas de Disney que pasan por TV. A ustedes solo les puedo asegurar una cosa: que la chica en cuestión está bien rica y recontra cachable, sobre todo cuando se coloca en la muy tentadora pose de rezadora del Corán, precisamente la misma pose que han podido apreciar en la bella imagen de ahí atrás. Es todo por el día de hoy.

Leighton Meester


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  • Wednesday, June 17, 2009

    Is Buddhism Masochistic?

    Author Ben Dench certainly isn't the first person to claim that Buddhism teaches self-annihilation and nihilism but I wanted to touch on his article because there is still a lot of misinformation in the west in particular about Buddhism. For example, many Americans continue to think we Buddhists see Buddha as a Creator God to be worshiped. Dench insinuates that the Buddhist denial of the self is escapism and abandonment of life. Unfortunately Mr. Dench like many critics of Buddhism seems not to have studied the issue enough to understand what Buddhists mean by the denial of self.

    He says, "In Buddhism, the existence of a self is denied and the goal of Buddhism is to snuff out the flame of consciousness and cease reincarnation." Wow, sounds pretty bad if that's was the truth. We don't seek to "snuff out the flame of consciousness" but rather the flame of desire. As I understand it, (to over simplify this) In Buddhism consciousness is simply awareness of being. In Buddhism our current state of being is limited by much suffering. So why would a person not want to be free of suffering one day? None of us wants to suffer and so at it's core Buddhism seeks to snuff out suffering--not happiness and a sense of meaning as Mr. Dench seems to insinuate.

    Now, concerning the idea of denying the existence of a "self"--There are differences a bit on the view of the self between Theravada and Mahayana so I'll speak from the point of view of a Mahayanist. Buddhists deny a permanent self because upon closer inspection through meditation and contemplation it is seen that the idea of a self is a delusion. Thus if something is a delusion then why would we want to embrace it? The understanding of this idea of the "self" being a delusion hinges upon the Buddhist teaching of Dependent Arising, which says phenomena rise along side each other in an interdependent fabric of cause and effect. This is because of that--and that, and that. This computer exists because minerals exist, chemicals exist, engineering exists, designers exist, assemblers exist and so on. Without all of those existing in unison--there is no "computer" as such.

    We think we are an individual but if that were the case then we'd have to have appeared in this life without the influence of parents--we'd be an anomaly. Instead we have the DNA of both our mother and father who have their DNA as a result of their mother and father. You have a name but it was given to you by your parents. You have interests but they were developed because of certain conditions and influences, which arose from the infinite pool of potentialities of life. You can not say for example that you'd be the same "permanent self," which you claim that you are now if you had been born under different circumstances. The human manifestation is ENTIRELY dependent upon innumerable factors.

    It's not, "You are nothing--period, end of sentence." It's more like, "You are nothing because you are apart of EVERYTHING." That said, however, the word "nothing" carries too much negative meaning. So instead how about saying, "You have no permanent self not because you're a bad person or a loser but because that "self" is LIMITING your enjoyment, peace and meaning. It's holding you back instead of allowing you freedom." When you realize that you are BOTH "you" AND everything else--How can you NOT see the "self" as limiting and imprisonment??? I like the analogy used by many that "I" am a wave:
    D.T. Suzuki has the analogy of a wave on the ocean as symbolic of man’s sense of self. A wave arises on the ocean and looks down and sees the ocean all around. It says, “ I know that I am because I am not the ocean nor am I all the other individual waves, I exist separate from them”. It has separated itself from the ocean to know itself as an individual wave. This separation actually creates the ‘self’; it is both an act and a fact of this separation. Now it makes all its judgments as a separated self. In this act it is also separated from itself, it knows that it is but not who it really is. Now it tries to go outward to find itself but it cannot. When it goes inward it is also problematic, why, because the act of going inward is still the act of separating from the ocean to be able to go inward.

    So this wave is alienated from itself, it’s surroundings and the ocean. But the fact of the matter is, who is the wave fundamentally? Is it the individual wave? No, there’s really no such thing. So who is looking for this awakening? The fact is that the wave is really just a manifestation of the ocean; it never was separated in reality but only knew itself as separated. It has to stop the ego process, the act of separating, in the hope that the ocean can rise up to see itself as both the wave and the ocean. It is one hundred percent wave and one hundred percent ocean, not at any point ever separated. The wave seeking the ocean/enlightenment/nirvana is the ocean seeking the wave. When the breakthrough occurs it is not new or just starting but a realization of what always really was. This is a non-dual duality. Both itself as wave and ocean.
    JAMES: So we can quickly see that we are variations of the same essence repeating itself in beautiful, myriad ways in a timeless state. How can an individual wave feel that it has more meaning as just a wave then as a wave AND the entire, beautiful, amazingly diverse ocean!! Thus, Buddhism doesn't say, "You have no self (you're not an individual wave)...Thus you're worthless." If Buddhist teachings stopped there as Ben Dench seems to be implying then yeah, that would be pretty miserable. If that's what someone thought Buddhism to be then I can see why someone like Mr. Dench would say it's masochistic and leads to feelings of meaninglessness. However, you just read in the wave story--that's not the end. I think some people hear, "You have no self..." along with words like "emptiness" and that's all they hear. That would indeed lead to wondering why in the hell anyone would want to follow Buddhism!!

    As the wonderful Neil deGrasse Tyson says, the same iron in meteors is the same iron that pulses through our veins--that's what Buddhist's are talking about when they deny the reality of the "self." It's the idea that we are larger than our individual "selves"--we are interdependent upon each other, which gives most people a tremendous sense of well being and meaning. Does that sound like nihilism to you?

    Individualism is much more limiting and alienating than Buddhism as individualism's answer for all life's problems is extreme self-indulgence, which doesn't bring peace and lasting happiness. When self-indulgence doesn't work we deny everything and become angry, bitter and nihilistic. Buddha taught to avoid EITHER extreme of eternalism or nihilism. After trying to live both extremes himself he came upon the idea of walking the middle-path of neither extreme and finally he found peace. So when it's understood in this light it, no self actually gives a person GREATER meaning in life--not less. This is the context that is missing in the Dench article but I realize that in English the terms no-self and emptiness sound like annilation, pessimism, fatalism and nihilism.

    ~Peace to all beings~

    Monday, June 15, 2009

    California Looks At A "Dope" New Tax On Marijuana
    No matter what polls say, national marijuana legalization is probably a good ways off, but the movement is growing steadily in California and could facilitate some much needed tax money for the state. Heck, even "The Terminator" is considering it:
    In California, a Field Poll found 56 percent backing legalization and as a result California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called for an open debate on legalization, all which suggest that American society may be reaching a tipping point when it comes to legal pot.
    Just what is being proposed you ask:
    [Richard] Lee and, the newly minted organization he started to push the initiative, calls for the legalization of small amounts of marijuana for personal possession by adults 21 and older, and allows cities and counties the option of regulating sales and cultivation. The legal amount would be 1 ounce for personal possession, with cultivation allowed in a space no larger than 5 feet by 5 feet.

    Lee's group plans to send the initiative to California Attorney General Jerry Brown in July for the summary and title oversight required by law. Signature gathering will begin in August, with 650,000 signatures required by January to make the November 2010 ballot. An efficient political operation, with paid signature gatherers, as well as thousands of volunteers is expected.
    My main question on this is how will the Federal Government respond? I believe we are finally ceasing to arrest cancer patients with prescriptions, but how will the Federal Government react to an unchecked assertion of state's rights upon federal drug law? I may be getting a little ahead of myself, as the measure hasn't even been put upon a ballot yet, but it will be interesting to watch in any case.

    U.S. Government Profits From Bank Bailout

    To my surprise, the 700 billion bank bailout is actually making money back for taxpayers, even after interest to the Chinese:
    In addition to returning the $68 billion, the 10 banks paid the government $1.8 billion in dividends on the preferred shares of stock the government owned. That translates to an annualized rate of return of about 4.64 percent on the $68 billion.

    In all, the government has received $4.5 billion from all bailout recipients, who've received $200 billion, for an annualized rate of return since Nov. 12, 2008, when the money was lent out, of 3.94 percent.

    But the government had to borrow to pay for the bailout and pay interest on those borrowings. Once the interest costs are factored in, how'd the government do?

    Not bad. The annualized rate of return of 4.64 percent on the $68 billion is well above the 2 percent interest the government was paying Monday to investors who were purchasing three-year bonds. The profit margin is even higher when measured against the interest the government is paying on a six-month bond - 0.31 percent.

    It isn't over yet, but when we decide on a price and sell the stock warrants received back, so this may turn out to be a win-win for taxpayers.

    President Obama meets the press


    Ever notice how our President is adored by the media? Well, at least they do if he is a radical liberal like Barack Obama. One thing you should know about President Obama is that he likes a press corp that will eat out of the palm of his hand. Reporters who want to lob tough questions are free to go back through the door they came through. After all, our esteemed president did not go to a press conference to answer a bunch of questions.

    What happens when one dares to ask him an "unapproved" question? Our future twitter of a Barack Obama press conference has the answer.

    Future twitter coverage of a President Obama press conference for December 2, 2010:

    @FirstBlackPres: Fellow citizens of this great nation, I am here today to bring a message of hope and freedom for tomorrow, and change . . . and hope . . . and, did I already mention change?

    I will be happy to take your pre-approved questions now.

    @MLKFan: Mr. President, obviously you are the first black president after centuries of hardship and toil on the part of African-Americans and other Americans of diverse pigmentation. The heartache, the suffering, the blood letting -- leading our nation from the oppressive foundations of oppressive slavery into the flowering bloom of an ever expanding light of reparations and . . .

    @FirstBlackPres: Is there a question in there? No, seriously, I am keenly aware of the sufferings suffered by those who suffered before me. I am not a slave by birth nor by heritage. But my father was Kenyan and I came so close to spending a minute or two in a hut when I thought about visiting my paternal relatives. So, yes, I can not forget the injustices committed on our ancestors!

    @Pressman1: Oh wow, he is so smart! If he would legalize gay marriage, I mean, I WOULD in a HEART BEAT . . . never mind.

    @FirstBlackPres: Next question. Yes, you down front . . .


    @Pressman2: Where will you be vacationing this Christmas?

    @FirstBlackPres: Maui, of course. Next question.

    @Pressman3: Why do the enemies of freedom hate you so much? Is anyone who disagrees with you a stupid, bigoted redneck?

    @FirstBlackPres: Ha Ha. We all know the answer to that one. Next question.

    @Pressman4: Where is your wife going shopping this afternoon?

    @FirstBlackPres: How should I know? I have to read about it in People Magazine just like the rest of you. Next question.

    @Pressman5: Should Americans believe in HOPE, or is this just too AUDACIOUS? Huh? Say it. You know you want to.

    @FirstBlackPres: BUY MY BOOK. It has the answers you seek.

    @Pressman1: I already bought seven copies!

    @FirstBlackPres: I think I have time for one more question. Yes, you, seated in the back.

    @LittleMac: I've got one for you, Mr. President. Well, a few if you don't mind answering.

    @FirstBlackPres: Make it quick. I need to sign a bill to give $60 billion to purchase orphaned stem cells from Denmark.

    @Pressman1: He is a God among men!


    @LittleMac: Okay, first off partial birth abortion. According to your voting record, you were one of the biggest supporters of it while you were a state senator in Illinois. . .

    @FirstBlackPres: Wait a minute, that's not the question you're supposed to . . .

    @LittleMac: Let's not forget you ran as a bipartisan, yet a lot of your legislation so far has been a split vote straight down party lines.

    @FirstBlackPres: Bipartisanship works best when my vision is shared . . .

    @LittleMac: Also, your supporters made a point of criticizing Bush during your campaign for how much he spent. Yet, you spent almost a trillion dollars on the stimulus bill, and you've even managed to increase the deficit to more than it was under Bush.

    @FirstBlackPres: How dare you ask these questions?

    @LittleMac: The fact is that you get a free pass love fest from the media every time you do anything public, so no one calls you out on your record. Are these enough questions for you to answer, or should I continue?

    @FirstBlackPres: I . . . I don't understand. I'm not supposed to hear any criticism from the press. What's happening?

    @Pressman1: Get him! Get the traitor!

    @Pressman2: Crucify him! Burn him at stake!

    @Pressman3: Harvest his organs to sell to Green Peace. For every organ you harvest, they save another whale!

    @FirstBlackPres: This press conference is at an end. A reminder that moving forward you must submit questions and reporters for pre-approval to my press secretary.

    Now go get that dissident reporter . . .


    Obama girl still loves you!
    Enhanced by Zemanta

    Friday, June 12, 2009

    El tubo de Tilsa Lozano

    ... lomo fino

    Video de Tilsa Lozano en Playboy (RECOMENDADO)

    El baile del tubo. Tilsa Lozano, la orgullosa propietaria de uno de los tubos más ricos del Perú, deleita a la lectoría pajera de Crónicas de la Farándula Kitsch con su notable performance en "El Show de los Sueños".

    La última de Alfredito...

    Mentiras Verdaderas:
    "Compadre, mira esta foto de Tilsa Lozano en calzón... ese tubo no caga".

    Alfredito González durante la reñida elección del mejor culo peruano. Al final de dicha competencia, Tilsa alcanzaría un meritorio 2do. lugar, superando a candidatas de peso como Leysi Suárez, Mariella Zanetti y Eva María Abad.

    Tilsa Lozano
    Tilsa Lozano mostrando el detalle

    El baile del tubo con Tilsa Lozano

    Este post se actualizará el domingo...

    Tilsa Lozano

    Tilsa Lozano

    Tilsa Lozano

    Posts Relacionados:
  • Fotos y Videos de Tilsa Lozano, la Miss Playboy peruana

  • Thursday, June 11, 2009

    The Beauty in Science.

    I especially like the quote at the end by the fabulous Neil deGrasse Tyson. As well as his quote about the iron in the giant meteor he mentions being the same iron in our blood. Interconnection is so damn cool!!!

    That's in part (and the Sam. Harris quote about meditating in a cave like a mystic [or Buddhist I would add] but not making unjustifiable claims about those experiences) why I like the combination of Buddhism and science. Interconnection makes me feel so at peace and in harmony with all that is.

    But back to the Sam Harris quote about being able to meditate but not making unjustifiable claims. Buddhist masters warn students that along the way they will experience all kinds of interesting phenomena in their brains upon deep meditation. However, those experiences are still ego trying to make special claims and declarations that these empty phenomena are something other than distractions. They are in fact (most meditation masters will tell you) false horizons/false feelings of realizing enlightenment. So like a diamond we shine forward and cut through all of these delusions.

    You know, when I first started meditating and first go into Buddhism I use to think delusions were mainly ones that made you feel like you were worthless. However, the longer I practice the more I realize that often the hardest delusions to overcome and the ones that cause the most damage and cause the most setbacks to my path are delusions of grandeur.

    ~Peace to all beings~

    Oprah Winfrey: I have the Power!


    No Oprah is not He-Man or She-Ra. (Although she might like to be. Who knows?) But she is one angry woman-beast after seeing Forbes push Angelina Jolie in its latest celebrity power rankings. Nobody ranks higher than Oprah! Nobody! And she'll make sure you don't forget it.

    So what will the big O do to retake her throne from Brad's other half? Let's just say giving away cars and Angie's kids to her twitter followers aren't out of the question as this future twitter entry shows.

    Oprah Winfrey's future twitter entry for June 8, 2010:

    9:45 am -- HELLO LOYAL MINIONS!!!!! It is I Oprah. Repeat after me: Oprah is good, Oprah is great. We surrender our will as of this date.

    10:10 -- Good news! The Central time zone has been renamed the Oprah time zone. We're still working on getting my name attached to Chicago.

    10:15 -- @oprahlover69: what are you going to call it.

    10:20 -- I'm thinking Oprah presents Chicago. Or Chicago: an Oprah City.

    10:25 -- @Oprah-is-queen: brilliant.
    @oprahlover69: marvelous.
    @marrymeoprah: I love your ideas as much as I worship you.

    10:30 -- @bigredlips: Nice try, Oprah. You still aren't more powerful than me. I have more power than you can possibly imagine.


    10:45 -- REMOVE JOLIE AT ONCE!! Twitter is for Oprah and OPRAH ONLY!

    11:30 -- I've got a special surprise for my twitter followers! You're all going home with a car today! You're getting a car! And you're getting a car! And you're getting a car! And you're getting a car!

    11:40 -- @oprahlover69: who is giving us cars, oh great one?

    High Noon -- Contact Barack. He is the GM of GM after all and he owes me a solid. I made the man what he is today!

    12:20 -- @bigredlips: I have more twitter followers than you. And I just added another recruit to my growing army of children. This one is from Azerbaijan. HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!

    12:35 -- I have a new announcement. Everyone here today is going home with a BRAND NEW KID!!! You're getting a kid! And you're getting a kid! And you're getting a kid!

    12:40 -- @Oprah-is-queen: Cool! Where are we getting these kids?

    12:50 -- Ms. Jolie's house of course. Swarm and descend. She will feel the wrath of OPRAH NATION! I am Oprah, Ruler of Stedman and Queen of Chicago.

    12:55 -- Watch my show today. We will be breaking down the latest issue of O Magazine and I will have an exclusive interview with the gorgeous cover model.

    1:00 -- We will also be getting a field update from Jolie Baby Raid '10 via special correspondent Anderson Cooper.

    WATCH OR DIE!!!!!
    Enhanced by Zemanta

    Wednesday, June 10, 2009


    I took several photos in different restaurants while we were in Paris. This is from a place we had lunch one rainy day.
    watercolor 9"x7"

    Tuesday, June 9, 2009

    Happy Birthday Donald

    Donald's first appearance in the short cartoon "The Little Wise Hen" 1934.
    Thanks to Tom Sito for the picture.

    Monday, June 8, 2009

    El Twitter de Mero Loco

    ... Eddie, un mounstro en computación

    A la vanguardia de las nuevas tecnologías, y siguiendo el mal ejemplo de figuras de la talla de Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore y Oprah Winfrey, nuestro Mero Loco se convierte en la primera celebridad made in Chollywood que se engancha jodidamente al mundo del Twitter. Y aunque algunos se empeñen en señalar a Christian Meier, Gianmarco Zignago y Bruno Pinasco como los madrugadores del Mero por puesta de mano, lo cierto es que este triste trío de gansos no podría calificar ni en sus más preciados sueños dentro de los stándares de calidad que el descarnado ambiente de Chollywood exige, alcanzando todos ellos el rango de menudencia (a duras penas) si los comparamos con un portento farandulero de la elevada categoría del gran Eddie Hidalgo Lama, ex pareja de Susy Díaz, ex pareja de Naamin Timoyco y ex-itoso empresario alimenticio.

    Momento Kitsch: Con ustedes, el nacimiento del primer mounstro farandulero-geek, una criatura contrahecha que anuncia el fin de los tiempos.

    Momento Kitsch: Mero Loco se registra en Twitter

    Un figuretti mantiene siempre su condición de figuretti sin importar en qué cancha juegue. La cuenta twittera del Mero Loco es un caso digno de mención por tratarse de una copia exacta del lamentable espectáculo que la farándula chollywoodense ofrece a diario en televisión.

    Mero Loco
    Mero Loco: cultor de la fórmula "escándalo + prensa = $$$"

    Sin más preámbulos, los dejo con el twitter de @meroloco. Provecho.

    hoy he creado mi cuenta de twitter a pedido de mis fans enamoradas
    10:20 AM May 21st from web

    [FASE I: Un Comienzo tan auspicioso como demoledor. Tras un silencio de dos semanas, el Mero Loco inicia su contraataque. Como era previsible, empieza haciendo en Twitter lo mismo que hace en televisión: promocionarse a diestra y siniestra. La escuela de Susy, le dicen]

    hola a todos mis seguidores tuiteros, los quiero mucho y los espero en mis dos locales de la molina para hacerles un descuento tuitero
    4:58 PM Jun 3rd from web

    estamos en la av. flora tristan 619 la molina
    6:56 PM Jun 3rd from web

    mi teléfono para contratos: 995733798
    6:57 PM Jun 3rd from web

    llegas y me dices por el descuento para tuiteros
    6:58 PM Jun 3rd from web

    y en la noche estamos en el burger kin vendiendo hamburguesas con los wolswaguen clasicos
    6:59 PM Jun 3rd from web

    [FASE II: Comportamiento clásico de todo aquel hijo de vecino que gusta de hacer huevadas en televisión: llamar desesperadamente la atención]

    hola, aca el mero loco
    7:05 PM Jun 3rd from web

    7:07 PM Jun 3rd from web

    soy el mero loco
    7:10 PM Jun 3rd from web

    hola haganme caso, hay alguien ally
    7:12 PM Jun 3rd from web

    no se que acer
    7:13 PM Jun 3rd from web

    contestenme peeeeeeee
    7:16 PM Jun 3rd from web

    [FASE III: Llegado este punto, Mero Loco saca las garras. Pone en evidencia sus bajos instintos y el verdadero motivo de su presencia en Twitter: conseguir mujeres. El tipo no puede con su genio]

    hola muriel1311 conoces tumbes?
    7:18 PM Jun 3rd from web

    tengo una jatito en mancora
    7:18 PM Jun 3rd from web

    fatimatv que tal
    7:19 PM Jun 3rd from web

    este es mi fono 995733798
    7:22 PM Jun 3rd from web

    invitame a un karaoke
    7:23 PM Jun 3rd from web

    @morgana_pe mi numero es 995733798
    6:23 PM Jun 5th from web

    @muriel1311 este es mi nextel 8306219
    7:24 PM Jun 3rd from web

    este fin de semana te voy a invitar un caldo de choros con su leche de tigre
    7:26 PM Jun 3rd from web

    @fatimatv @muriel1311 a todas quiero conocerlas
    7:29 PM Jun 3rd from web

    las conchas son lo maximo pa el muñeco jejeje
    7:30 PM Jun 3rd from web

    [FASE IV: Mero Loco se despide hasta una próxima oportunidad, no sin antes mandarse con una chiquita y maletear a la competencia]

    gaston es huevon, no cocina ni michi
    7:31 PM Jun 3rd from web

  • Sigue el Twitter de @meroloco para recibir descuentos exclusivos y ofertas especiales para consumo en la cevichería "Mero Loco" de la Av. Flora Tristán

  • Sigue el Twitter de @DoctorMonique para recibir actualizaciones del blog, fotos de calatas, carnecitas faranduleras y demás basura kitsch

  • Posts Relacionados:
  • Mero Loco: "Tengo el video porno de Susy Díaz"

  • Trailer de 300 Millas en Busca de Mamá (A Leonidas Zegarra Film)

  • Video de Susy Diaz bailando El Conejito
  • Where Science and Buddhism Meet.

    Where Science and Buddhism Meet from Gerald Penilla on Vimeo.

    ~Peace to all beings~

    Bryce Canyon

    Bryce Canyon National Park is one of those uber-popular parks that i've been a bit snobby about. I think some of the most famous parks in the country are not necessarily the best parks, but ride on an reinforcing wave of popularity because the visitors who choose to go to those areas are duly impressed, and since they likely haven't been many other places, they pass the word on to others. Bryce is Utah's park of that type. The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, the Tetons are others. I have met certain people who have actually been to many parks and declare with great certainty that Bryce is still their favorite. I think it appeals to a certain personality more than to others.

    I've been to Bryce before, and on that first occasion driving through the park only confirmed my suspicions that it was overrated. The views from the long slow drive are all similar and the top of the park is just open pine meadows and forest. I'd never actually done any of the trails in the park, so this time i decided to give it a closer look.

    The best thing you can do at Bryce is to get up early and see it at sunrise. It will be cold and likely below freezing anytime other than deep summer. In fact, with subfreezing temperatures at night for 200 days a year, frost wedging is actually the major erosional force in the park. If the rocks were present Bryce might be able to exist in Alaska, and indeed, i have seen similar formations in certain areas of the state.

    I HATE getting up before dawn. I'm usually very bitter and depressed about life if i am awake before the sun is in the sky. I'm a sunset kinda guy. I'm not a fisherman or farmer. I love sunset. Sunset is the best thing that ever happened to the desert (ask any animal that lives there). Sunrise though, at Bryce, is impressive enough that i'd do it again.

    Due to it's orientation the morning light illuminates far more of the scenic areas than sunset. Unlike the vast areas of sandstone in Utah, the soft iron and manganese limestones of Bryce reveal their colors better in the early morning light than they do in the evening sun. Somehow they pull off the illusion of actually glowing for a short time.

    There were a large number of people out there in the predawn darkness. Luckily i still had room to get a spot that was close to what i was looking for at one of the viewpoints i had scouted out the previous evening. I even had time to take a 10 minute walk to another viewpoint for comparison. I also had time to answer some questions to an old New Jersey couple as to why i wasn't pointing the camera directly at the sun to get a sunrise picture. They were delighted to understand the answer.

    Afterwards i did a short two mile loop hike down in the canyon. Although you think you've seen everything from the top i have to say i'd definitely recommend going down into the canyon. The formations were larger than i thought. The walking is very relaxing and continuously surprising. It's almost like walking through a theme park, but with a billion interesting photos available to take.

    By the time i left the temperature had risen from about 25 to what seemed like 70 degrees. I have to admit, you can get a lot done if you rise before the sun. I felt like i had done a lot and it was only 8:30 am. I had plenty of time to make it to my next destination.

    Oh yeah, i had to leave. This is embarrassing, but i had no place to stay. A few days prior, in Zion, i had called a hotel at Bryce to make reservations. I tried to use the directions on the phone in the hotel room but apparently i'm an idiot (or the instructions are vague and badly written) and i ended up calling the front desk instead. I didn't know that was what happened, and i made a reservation for two nights, at the hotel i was already staying at instead of the one i wanted in Bryce. So when i got to Bryce well after dark and went to the hotel they had no room for me, and were booked for several days. I was dismayed. I found a more expensive room at one of the other two hotels but they only had a room for a single night. I was pretty angry about the first hotel losing my reservation until a couple of messages popped up on my now in-range cell phone. The messages were from my Zion hotel and the owners were pretty upset that i'd made reservations but didn't show up. Very embarrassing, especially since i liked the owners of the hotel in Zion, and plan on staying there again in the future.