Friday, October 3, 2008
Jessica Alba and Hayden Panettiere Model the Muzzler
Getting out the vote just got disgustingly creepy. And deliciously kinky.
Now do we have your undivided attention?
Good because according to this new ad campaign, "Only U Can Silence Yourself."
Jessica Alba and Hayden Panettiere are part of the new Declare Yourself and Get Out The Vote ad campaign, a grassroots effort to attract younger adults and people who surf random porn.
The images are more startling than inviting, less political statement than prop, but compelling in the same way a baby screaming in the middle of a movie theatre makes people look for the nearest exit.
Oh, and by the way there's a contest. Just in case you were inclined to spend time making fabuloso video entries instead of meeting voter registration deadlines and heading to the polls on November 4th.