Thursday, October 2, 2008
Top Ten Questions About Tonight's Vice Presidential Debate
Late breaking post. Less than an hour before broadcast of the first and last vice presidential debate. So much riding on one televised broadcast, so little time.
Here's the top ten things I would like answered prior to tonight's debate:
#10 - Will Palin wear something other than that tired fire engine red bandleader jacket?
#9 - Will Biden formulate responses as actual answers rather than something akin to a soliloquy from Hamlet?
#8 - How many times will Palin say the moderator's name to fill time and fake answers sounding more intelligent than pageant prattle?
#7 - Can Biden swallow the foot he's inevitably going to stick in his mouth so the audience won't realize it's there?
#6 - Will Palin ask the moderator to reformulate the question like a kid at the National Spelling Bee whenever she gets stuck for an answer?
#5 - Will Biden make mincemeat of Palin's first gaffe or let it blow over in deference to politically correct rules of decorum?
#4 - Will Palin pull homespun analogies from a rabbit's hat trying to make the audience forget exactly how far in over her head she is in this election?
#3 - Can Biden get through the entire debate without reminding the audience he knows from experience what it's like to suffer through personal tragedy?
#2 - Will right-wing radio talk show hosts ever stop harping on moderator Gwen Ifill's blatant bias against Palin? Yeesh. It's like they fully expect Palin to implode upon impact.
And the number one question I would like answered prior to tonight's debate ....
(drum roll)
#1 - How many bloggers have posted drinking games predicated upon the number of times each candidate does and/or says something stupid and/or predictable?