This is the most awesome advertisement i've ever seen. Should i travel to Mongolia? That is the question i have to ask myself every time i see this sign. I see it a lot. It's only a mile from my house and it's on a backstreet with lots of visibility. I've been staring at it for six years now. When i first saw it, it was sitting on top of a bunch of junk in the back of an old beat up yellow flatbed truck with wooden railings on the sides. It seemed like the perfect packaging for a sign commanding travel to Mongolia.
Travel to Mongolia. Should I? Sounds like it might be a good idea. But how? As a slave? I guess you have to call to find out. I have almost called several times. For some reason, the simple command has a much larger effect on me than some huge billboard with happy models on it. Thank god this sign is around, because without it i would have no idea what to do if i decide to go to Mongolia, which i should maybe do.