Saturday, February 26, 2011

Greater London Labour Link Elections 2011

AGM's may be largely over for the year but Labour Movement Elections continue.  The evil one(s) didn't  put forward a slate for this year's London Labour Link elections which is quite interesting and I think another sign of their increasing marginalisation.  But there is some opposition so it is still important for the forces of light and reason to support this slate. 

Standing for: National Labour Link Forum (Male seats) - Blue Ballot paper

Standing for: National Labour Link Forum (Female seats) - Purple Ballot paper

We are all seeking election to represent the views of APF payers in the London Region at the National Labour Link Forum.

We support the link we have with the Labour Party, Labour in Government has delivered real improvements for our members, but, now we are in opposition we need to make sure that we influence the internal review and national rethink of policies that the Party is carrying out over the next 2 years.

To defeat this ConDem Tory Government in 2015 (or preferably long beforehand) we need to appeal to our core Labour vote.  We therefore need to champion trade union issues and move our members concerns up the Party political agenda, using our influence to promote a manifesto that includes;

  • Reinvestment in public services
  • Defending pay and public sector pensions
  • Access to housing for public sector employees
  • A fairer taxation system
  • Government policies that promote growth and jobs.
You want delegates who will be listened to and not be afraid to argue for change within the Labour Party but who also realise that the only alternative to making the Party electable is another dose of Clegg and Cameron.

It is vital that we ensure that Labour Link becomes more visible within the union.  We need to encourage APF members to join local Labour Constituency Parties and be elected to positions of responsibility in order to further the progressive agenda.

Next year in London the Labour Party candidate Ken Livingstone will be standing to be London Mayor.  We must unite around Ken and work to bring down this ConDem Tory Mayor.

ps Support Gloria Hanson as Delegate to 2011 Labour Party Conference as well!