Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Employer wants to Slash Wages by 35% to 57% (repeat 35%-57%!)

This is incredible.  This is not a wind up or a joke. In the current "Cuts" crisis some small voluntary sector employers have clearly lost the plot. Ekaya Housing Association are planning to cut their 44 workers pay by between 35% to 57%!  Check out this UNISON Housing Association Branch press release (double click to bring up details). 

"Housing Association Cuts Workers Pay by up
to 60%

Management at Ekaya Housing Association in South London are proposing large scale salary cuts, in some cases by almost 60%, in addition to the introduction of a longer working week and compulsory redundancies.

The salary cuts range from 35% to 57.49% and all staff will be asked to work a further 2.5 hours every week. These cuts will disproportionately hit women from black and other ethnic minority backgrounds working for the association. Ekaya provide invaluable services to teenage mothers, victims of domestic violence and other vulnerable members of society.

However unions fear that the cuts could lead to the closure of services and are concerned about the impact that this will have on the wider community.

Despite the legal obligation for collective consultation Ekaya has not discussed its proposals with staff representatives. It is also felt that the limited consultation that has taken place is not meaningful as information provided by Ekaya management has been insufficient for staff to fully understand what the plans entail. UNISON are calling upon Ekaya Housing Association to halt the process until the proposals can be properly assessed and consulted upon. In the current economic climate the union feels that Ekaya has a social responsibility to ensure that any necessary cuts are well considered and fairly implemented.

Housing Association Branch Secretary John Gray “Why are Ekaya treating their staff so badly? Why are they ignoring the law of the land regarding employment rights? Why are they slashing their workers pay and sacking people without properly considering the alternatives?”

UNISON is arranging a lobby of members local MPs, Assembly members and Councillors to press their case. Details to follow."  

Further details Jason Deacy Communications Officer, UNISON Housing Association Branch
83 Crouch End Hill, London, N8 8DD


31 January 2011

Please send messages of support for Ekaya members to the branch.

UPDATE: Check out UNISON national press release here