Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sri Lanka President agrees with Oxford Union's decision to cancel speech

Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa has agreed to the decision made by the Oxford Union to cancel his speech scheduled for tomorrow due to security threats from pro-LTTE Tamil minority groups.

President's Secretary Lalith Weerathunge said in a statement that for security reasons the speech by President Rajapaksa at the Oxford Union, the home of free speech, has been cancelled.

"This is a decision that has been made unilaterally by the Oxford Union, reportedly as a result of pressure applied by pro-LTTE activists," the statement pointed out.

"I am very sorry this has had to be cancelled but I will continue to seek venues in the UK and elsewhere where I can talk about my future vision for Sri Lanka," President Rajapaksa has been quoted in the statement issued by Weerathunge.

"I will also continue in my efforts to unite all the people of our country whether they live in Sri Lanka or overseas. As a united country we have a great future. If we allow divisions to dominate we will not realise our true potential. We have had thirty years of division and conflict. We must now secure peace and harmony for all Sri Lankans," the President has noted.

The President was to deliver a lecture on National Development Strategy of Sri Lanka. He has previously addressed the Oxford Union in 2008.

The Oxford Union said their decision was not taken lightly and deeply regrets the cancellation.