Google launched its e-book site this morning. Publishing is no longer than Google, the site is now called Google Books. Google eBook ecosystem is actually a very important gesture, and it seems that the positive aspects of the main contenders combine electronic books (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple, of course), while processing depending on flowers UI in the traditional manner of Google. Books and available online, and Android, iPhone, iPod, Nook Barnes & Noble and Sony eReader. Google e-books is very open, can be used with many different devices, although it seems that laptops Android, Apple, Sony and board do for the moment. Google allows independent booksellers to sell and promote their own electronic books in the Google service, a smart move by Google, where other booksellers would have the advantage on a platform with a brand as recognizable as to get Google to turn eBooks Google gets part of the clientele of independent booksellers purcahsed eBook purchased by Google.