This is a follow up on
my post from a couple days back. Point #1: I lifted the map above from
The New York Times it nicely illustrates the calamity being created by
a single well. Point #2
: when you are told that expanding off-shore drilling will create 'real jobs right here in America' you should reply: 'Yeah, What Kind of Jobs you
Talkn' About?' ... You can find a gesture toward an answer
here. The analogy to miners in Appalachia is telling - no options, incredibly dangerous work, and parents who really, really don't want their kids to follow in their footsteps.
P.S.: And before you think 'there goes Jim, that wacky pinko, being alarmist about the environment again,' consider the damage that this 100 mile long slick will do to the economy of the area, which relies on tourism and fishing.