Thursday, September 11, 2008
Top Ten (Plus Five) John McCain Green Screen Challenges
Despite valliant deterrent efforts by Comedy Central's Steve Colbert, John McCain never waivered on his premise that a green screen would enhance campaign rhetoric.
The same critter serving as boring backdrop during a poorly attended campaign stump made a questionable reappearance at the Republican National Convention. Too bad the Gentleman from Arizon didn't feel the need to reconsider.
Thus Colbert's challenge to enliven McCain's green screen marches on. Her are our top fifteen past entries to lead the charge.
McCain of the Lost Ark
The Day McCain Stood Still
McCain Simpson
Star Trek McCain
Puppet McCain
Blue Suede Shoes Edition
Pulp McCain
Citizen McCain
Ferris Bueller McCain
McCain Throughout the Ages
Three Stooges McCain
The Wizard of Oz Edition
Numa NuMcCain
McCaining Arizona