In today's wrap of mundane celebrity gossip...
In a surprise weekend wedding, The Sopranos big kahuna, James Gandolfini married fashion model fiance Deborah Lin. The happy couple tied the knot before 200 friends and family in Lin's hometown of Honolulu, Hawaii.
Does anyone care that the boy they said who couldn't might be quietly dating the girl of his dreams? Rumor has it that eight time in one Olympic champ Michael Phelps is planning a cozy rendezvous with American Idol star Carrie Underwood when he visits Nashville, Tennessee.
Still coming off its record breaking ratings, the Democratic National Convention continues to tally up the stars. Compiled from various sources, A-listers on the scene in Denver include Stevie Wonder, Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Kanye West, Jamie Foxx, Charlize Theron, Anne Hathaway, John Legend, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez, Ashley Judd, Bono, Spike Lee, Ben Affleck, Cicely Tyson, Lou Gossett Jr., Alfre Woodard, Blair Underwood, Danny Glover, Pete Wentz, Cyndi Lauper, Ellen Burstyn, Kal Penn, Tony Goldwyn, Alan Cumming, Susan Sarandon, Tim Daly, Josh Lucas, Rachael Leigh Cook, Angela Basset, Matthew Modine, Rufus Wainright, Melissa Etheridge, Annette Bening, Sheryl Crow, Fergie, Rosario Dawson,, Lily Cole, Kerry Washington, Richard Dreyfuss, Ashanti, Sarah Silverman, Chevy Chase, Giancarlo Esposito, Dave Matthews, Dana Delaney, Tim Daly, Gloria Reuben, Richard Schiff, Herbie Hancock, Chris Daughtry, Charles Barkley, Muhammad Ali, Idina Menzel, and Forest Whitaker, just to name a few.
And speaking of stars mixing their noses in politics, Barbra Streisand lashes out at candidate John McCain for his choice of a running mate. The former Hillary Clinton supporter who now backs Barack Obama calls Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin "a transparent and irresponsible decision all in the name of trying to win this election." Guess certain people don't need people as badly as the presumptive Republican nominee had hoped.
"There were times when being in the show was worse than high school. The environment there was like, 'Are you kidding me?' There was a lot of tension and unnecessary drama on the set, a certain amount of competition, and a certain, probably, anger about different salaries as the years progressed." So says Jennie Garth about her days in the 1990s fast lane, Beverly Hills 90210. The actress who is slated to star in the CW's 90210 sequel also claims turmoil on the original set turned her into an agoraphobic.
In a sad role reversal of victim and victimizer, Dame Helen Mirren recounts being date-raped, yet downgrades the possibility of sending perpetrators to prison. Women's rights groups are seeing red. Guess all those years of cocaine binging may have addled someone's brain.