The length of this war shows us that war only causes more violence, hatred and mistrust. There are very few wars that have done much good, the only one that I can think of would be World War II. However, even that war caused much unnecessary suffering and death such as the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or the bombing of Dresden.
I firmly believe that it would have been enough to tell the Japanese that America had such a bomb of mass destruction to get them to surrender. I think another option would have been to simply set the bomb off way out in the ocean where no one would have been killed but the large explosion could be seen and be convincing enough to bring about a Japanese surrender.
Even in the midst of the war in Iraq there are those who would start another one with Iran. I believe firmly that we can settle disputes with the Persian country if we engage in meaningful and in-depth dialog with them. In not talking with them America is increasing the tension and distrust between the two countries.
The Iranians do not want to suffer just as everyone does not want to suffer. It is vital that the world understands that we are interconnected and that we cannot over-come our suffering and fears by creating suffering and fear for others.
The culture of war may never cease while humans live on this planet but if there must be war may there be as little death, injury and suffering as possible.
May Iraq know lasting peace by this time next year.
~Peace to all beings~