Welcome back. Hoping Santa delivered everything everyone desired. And for those of you who got lumps of coal (you know who you are), don't sweat the small stuff. Easy for me to say. It's been temperately comfortable here in Charm City and probably will remain so throughout the day.
What have we been up to other than redesigning ye old blog once again? As I pound out this post, the latest addition to our family, a little snow white 4-week old 5 oz. guinea pig, gnaws away at his new digs, letting guinea pig numero uno know he is one to be taken seriously. Sigh. Numero uno doesn't have much more time. He's been battling bladder stones, and unfortunately, recently started showing more wear and tear. I wanted him to have a little friend to hang with during his last days, poor dear. He's been an only guinea pig up since the day we brought him home from the pet store. It might be nice for the little guy to swap stories and chew the carrot with a new companion.
No, this isn't the kind of news people expect to read here at The Spewker, but I thought some personal tidbits might help build stronger connections with our audience. Okay? Okay.
The new 3-column design was very hard to come by. I basically programmed it myself, no easy task for one with little knowledge of html, ccs, javascript, and all that other bloody computer speak. Blogger must be updating their server because, for the life of me, I cannot upload the old widgets. Normally, I would use this time to regurgitate recently discovered fodder as tasty news morsels, but having wasted more than four hours trying to get this site up to speed, I'm throwing in the towel. Rest assured, the old widgets will be back before you've had a chance to realize they're gone.
Then again, most of our readers probably wouldn't have noticed any difference.
No matter. To those of you who are lucky enough to be on vacation this week, why not review some older posts? At least the "Labels" widget uploaded. If nothing in that directory tickles your fancy, feel free to try out our new search bar. Might as well help this tiny enterprise earn its keep.
For those of you who are back in the office today, thanks ever so much for dropping by. Please stop by again soon. Ye old blog should be back on its feet and raring to go before the guinea pigs can empty their big bowl of food.