Some people think things like the Saturn V rocket are pretty cool, but they've obviously never encountered the amazing Mold-A-Rama. One of Man's greatest achievements, the Mold-A-Rama is an automated miniature plastic factory that allows you to operate the creation of your own exclusive product molded in colorful plastic. And by "operate" they mean you can deposit a dollar fifty into the finicky quarter slot. I believe it will not accept quarters minted after 1970.
Depositing the correct quarters starts the creation process. Two industrial strength molds are pushed together in front of your eyes. All kinds of powerful noises begin to build up deep within the bowels of the Mold-A-Rama. You might wonder if the machine is powered by a steam engine. You may also have time to contemplate the mysterious DNA-like color sequence of the letters in Mold-A-Rama. B-R-Y-R-Y-R-B-R-Y.

By "colorful" they mean gray, in this case. I saw another one that produced a vibrant black.
About a minute later the molds open revealing your exclusive plastic toy. An automated spatula scrapes it off into a drop bin. If you grab it quickly you'll notice it's very warm and soft and produces a smell that i personally think is weird and delicious. When i was a kid i wanted to eat my toy right away, and at least once i did chew the head right off a gorilla. Decades later, i still found the smell appetizing.