Friday, November 12, 2010


It has been brought to my attention that there is someone going around the buddhoblogosphere plagiarizing not only my blog but several others. In some cases it is word for word what I have written, and the blog owner is, so brazen to even include my name in the posts! The blog name is, "Buddha Rocks" and is run by someone who goes by the moniker, "Lord of the Blogosphere." They are changing a few words and using terrible sentence grammar but on the whole it's my posts verbatim. And, I'm not the only one. Several other Buddhist bloggers are being targeted.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but this is straight out plagiarism. I'm not angry at this person but rather have compassion that they feel such a desperate need for attention as to steal another person's hard work. I want them to know that they have the potential to write interesting content if they would simply let go of trying so hard to impress people. Plagiarism will only leave them feeling hollow and empty inside.

May they realize that such stealing only brings increased suffering to them. I don't want to see them suffer, so I am calling upon them to end this practice and find their own voice. I'm sure they have something interesting to say on their own and I encourage them to just write from the heart, and I know that will bring them greater fulfillment than stealing.

~Peace to all beings~