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List of English words of Malay origin

- Agar (also 'agar-agar')
- a gelatinous substance obtained from various kinds of red seaweed and used in biological culture media and as a thickener in foods.
- Amok (also 'amuck' or 'amock')
- out of control, especially when armed and dangerous; in a frenzy of violence, or on a killing spree, 'berserk', as in 'to run amok'.
- Babirusa (also 'babiroussa')
- from French babiroussa, from Malay babi hog + rusa deer. A wild pig (Babyrousa babyrussa) of the East Indies with backward-curving tusks.
- Balanda (also 'ballanda' or 'ballander')
- from Makasar balanda, from Malay belanda, from Dutch Hollander meaning a white person, a European.
- Bamboo
- from bambu
- Banteng
- from banteng, 'a SE Asian forest ox that resembles the domestic cow, domesticated in Bali [Bos javanicus.]'
- Binturong
- from binturong, 'a large species of civet, Arctictis binturong, of SE Asia'.
- Caddy (also 'caddie')
- from kati (a measurement unit, whereby 1 kati = approximately 600 g).
- Cassowary
- from kasuari/kesuari, 'a very large flightless bird related to the emu'.
- Catty
- from kati (a unit of measurement)
- Camphor
- see Kapur. From Old French camphore or Mediaeval Latin camphora, from Arabic 'kāfūr', from Malay kapur.
- Cempedak (also Chempedak)
- from Cempedak, a species of tree and its fruit in the family Moraceae.
- Cockatoo
- from kakaktua, a parrot with an erectile crest.
- Compound (enclosed group of buildings)
- by folk etymology from kampung or 'village'
- Cooties
- from kutu, 'lice'
- Dammar
- from damar, 'resin; resin obtained from various mainly Indo-Malaysian trees, used to make varnish.'
- Dugong
- from duyung, 'mermaid'
- Durian
- from duri 'thorns', hence durian, 'thorny'
- Gambier
- from gambir(the name of the plant), an astringent extract of a tropical Asian plant, used in tanning'
- Gecko
- from geko,gekok
- Gingham
- from ginggang
- Gong
- from gong, a metal disc with a turned rim that gives a resonant note when struck.
- Gutta-percha
- (a type of tree whose sap is used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber) from getah, 'rubber' and perca, 'scrap/piece'; hence getah perca, 'a scrap/piece of rubber'
- ikat
- from ikat, 'to bind', a style of weaving that uses a process similar to tie-dye to dye the threads.
- Jackfruit
- generally cited as deriving from the Malayalam chakka or cakkai via the Portuguese jaca, which came from the Malay/Indonesian word nangka.
- Junk (type of boat)
- from jong
- Kapok
- from kapuk, 'a fine fibrous substance which grows around the seeds of a ceiba or silk-cotton tree, used as stuffing for cushions'
- Kapur
- from kapur a large tropical tree which yields light brown wood, edible fruit, and camphor [Genus Dryobalanops.]
- Komodo
- from komodo
- Kris (also archaic 'creese')
- from keris, 'a Malay/Indonesian dagger with a wavy-edged blade'
- Launch
- from lancar (meaning 'swift', 'nimble'; and 'making something moves faster'; and 'doing or held something like an action, attack etc.' ) and lancaran (meaning 'a kind of swift boat' - in old Malay literatures) , 'a large motor boat.'
- Langsat
- from langsat, a species of fruit-bearing tree belonging to the family Meliaceae [Lansium domesticum]
- Mangosteen
- from manggustan, also known as Manggis
- Meranti
- from meranti, 'white, red, or yellow hardwood from a SE Asian tree (genus Shorea)'
- Merbau
- from merbau, 'the hardwood of a SE Asian tree (genus Intsia)'
- Orangutan
- from orang hutan or 'people of the jungle'
- paddy
- as in 'paddy-field' or 'rice paddy', from padi, referring to the rice plant Oryza sativa.
- Pandanus
- from pandan, 'a tropical tree or shrub with a twisted stem, long spiny leaves, and fibrous edible fruit.[Genus Pandanus.]'
- Pangolin
- from pengguling, 'one that rolls/curls'
- Pantoum
- from pantun, 'a Malay poetic/verse form'.
- Parang
- from parang, 'a Malayan machete',
- Picul
- from pikul (a unit of measurement)
- Proa (also 'prahu' or 'prau')
- from perahu, 'a Malaysian or Indonesian sailing boat, typically having a large triangular sail and an outrigger'
- Rambutan
- from rambut 'hair', hence rambutan, 'hairy'
- Ramie
- from rami, 'the plant of the nettle family which yields this fibre, native to tropical Asia. [Boehmeria nivea.]'
- Rattan
- from rotan
- Sago
- from sagu, '(sago palm) the palm from which most sago is obtained, growing in freshwater swamps in SE Asia. [Metroxylon sagu.]; any of a number of other palms or cycads which yield a similar starch.'
- Salak
- from salak, ' a species of palm tree (family Arecaceae) native to Indonesia and Malaysia [Salacca zalacca]'
- Sambal
- from sambal, (in oriental cookery) relish made with vegetables or fruit and spices.
- Sarong
- from sarung, 'wrap/sheath'
- Satay (also 'sate')
- from Malay satai, Javanese/Indonesian "sate", 'an Indonesian and Malaysian dish consisting of small pieces of meat grilled on a skewer and served with spiced sauce.'
- Seladang
- from seladang, a wild ox with a dark brown or black coat with white lower legs, native to India and Malaysia. [Bos gaurus.] .
- Siamang
- from siamang, 'a large black gibbon native to Sumatra and Malaya [Hylobates syndactylus.]'
- Silat
- from silat, 'a Malay's martial art'
- Tael
- from tahil (a unit of measurement) meaning 'weight'
- Tokay
- from toke of Malay dialect, means 'a large grey SE Asian gecko with orange and blue spots. [Gekko gecko.]
- Trepang
- from teripang/trepang
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.