The Venerable Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh will be returning here to Colorado USA to lead a retreat and give a public talk in Denver. For those who are in the area--you really should take advantage of this occasion to see one of the most enlightened people alive today. Here is the information:
SUBJECT: "Our Environment: Touching the Gift of Life."
WHEN: Wednesday August 29th, 2007
WHERE: The Temple Buell Theatre at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts complex in downtown Denver.
TICKETS: Adults ($35), Students w/ID and Seniors ($25), Kids 11-13 ($10). Click here to get tickets through TicketWest.
CLICK HERE If you'd like information on the retreat led by Hanh.
PHOTO CREDIT: Thay at the Bordeaux airport upon arrival from his trip to Vietnam.
~Peace to all beings~