This is a surreal, nearly abstract picture i came across of some unusual looking Namibian sand dunes.

And this is an aerial photo of large scale Saharan dunes. I recommend clicking on this one to blow it up so you can appreciate the scale of the image. I like how the different colored sand gives each desert an entirely different feel to it.
O.K. you may already know by now, but i'm lying about the dunes. They are both pictures of little patches of snow i took yesterday and made to look like the desert in photoshop because i'd really rather be there at this time of year. But i think they do well at proving my point. I love indipendant scale processes, that's one of my favorite characteristics of reality and the wind carved area i was walking around in yesterday reminded me of that.
Although snow can blow around just like sand it can make cool (cold) shapes that sand can't like the overhanging lip of the picture below.

This last one looks kind of like desert mesas. I'd like to be able to apply a canyon texture to this one. These snow formations were surprisingly hard. After i took this one i stood on top of it and it supported my weight without a hint of giving way. Below is a weird picture with Fisher in it showing the true scale of this little wind whipped area.